>--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>[ On Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 03:10:02 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
>> Subject: Re: Blinded by philosophy (kinda long)
>> The analogy I would use rather than find/grep is more like cmp/comm/diff/diff3.
>> These all do similar tasks, but in different ways.  Do we want all of their
>> in a single, unified, differencing tool?  Some people might, others won't.

>People who are not tool users want one button to push.  People who are
>tool users will always take the device with one button apart and use the
>components in new ways.

>Anyone in *this* forum who wants one button to push is in the wrong

True enough, but then this forum is filled with people who are interested
in implementing solutions to problems using CVS and discussing problems
with CVS itself.  As such, this forum is not representative of the total
population of CVS users.

Most CVS users are software developers who do not have a detailed
understanding of version control or release management issues.  Nor do
they have much interest in obtaining such understanding.  They rely
instead on people like us to present them with a toolset and rulebook to
follow without much thought, because they have other problems to
concentrate on.

>> Version control is version control.

>Wow.  If only life were so simple.

For those who do not live and breathe version control systems, it should
be.  I, for one, strive to make it easy (even preferable, compared to
certain alternatives) for anyone to use.

>--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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