On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, Larry Jones wrote:

> Anybody with sccs, CVS, make, and perl almost certainly already has csh,

Well, I don't - at least, I wouldn't if I didn't have to because CVS
depends on csh *only* because of the sccs2rcs csh script.  I'd love to
remove csh from my system, but that would break dependencies (which is
primarily why I re-wrote it in the first place).


> And given the stunning lack of interest shown here, it seems that
> no one really cares.  So, while I'm sure you think it's wonderful and it
> sounds like it was a big benefit to you, I don't any value to adding it
> to the CVS distribution.

Ok, let me try another idea on you then.  Given the stunning lack of
interest which, I admit certainly seems evident, how would you feel about
removing the sccs2rcs script from the CVS distribution?  That'd make me
just as happy.  All future CVS distribution gets smaller and you won't have
to deal with any future bugs in the sccs2rcs script (which I see you had to
patch a couple of times in the last year) -- everybody comes out a winner.

Michael Sterrett
  -Mr. Bones.-

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