This is to continue the discussion of the thread with the same subject that started on Dec 7, 2004. The original discussion appeared to focus on the expansion of the $Log$ keyword both in the file and as output by the "cvs annotate" command (under version 1.11.17); but I think other keywords such as $Id$ have the same problem. I am running CVS version 1.11.6 on Solaris. After I committed a file that contains some keywords, (I did not perform a checkout or update after that,) the file in my working directory shows the following:

$Id: compiler.c,v 1.3 2005/07/12 03:10:28 mingl Exp $
this is $Date: 2005/07/12 03:10:28 $
$Log: compiler.c,v $
Revision 1.3  2005/07/12 03:10:28  mingl
this is my log ha ha ha

Revision 1.2  2005/07/12 02:32:17  mingl
third commit

Revision  2005/07/07 00:05:26  mingl
init import

And I ran "cvs annotate' which output:

Annotations for compiler.c
1.3 (mingl 12-Jul-05): $Id: compiler.c,v 1.2 2005/07/12 02:32:17 mingl Exp $
1.3          (mingl    12-Jul-05): this is $Date: 2005/07/12 02:32:17 $
1.2          (mingl    12-Jul-05): $Log: compiler.c,v $
1.3          (mingl    12-Jul-05): Revision 1.2  2005/07/12 02:32:17  mingl
1.3          (mingl    12-Jul-05): third commit
1.3          (mingl    12-Jul-05):
1.2 (mingl 12-Jul-05): Revision 2005/07/07 00:05:26 mingl
1.2          (mingl    12-Jul-05): init import

From the leftmost column, it is obvious that the latest revision is 1.3;
however, the keywords expand to only revision 1.2.

1. Todd Denniston states that "If I Recall Correctly, $Log:$ is expanded on checkout, so the last (chronological) log entry seen in a Log in a sandbox has not yet been checked into CVS. Therefore, the repository knows nothing about it, and can not annotate what to it does not exist." (Larry Jones says similar thing: "the $Log$ keyword (not command) is expanded by checkout/update".) I think the first half of the sentence is inaccurate: apparently the keywords are expanded (in the working file) upon commitment (check-in), i.e. no subsequent checkout is needed. (What Todd probably meant is: $Log$ is expanded in the ,v file on checkout. - But see my Points 2 and 3 below.) And I think "check in" and "check out" should not be confused. ci and co are two separate commands, aren't they? The keywords are expanded in the working file on checkin, not checkout. In fact, Section 12 of the cederqvist 1.11.20 manual states " Embedded strings of the form $keyword$ ... in a file are replaced ... whenever you obtain a new revision of the file." The way I interpret the phase "whenever you obtain a new revision of the file" is "in a working file that has a new revision number". So, when you commit, you obtain a new revision. You don't need to check out to obtain a new revision. Now, what "annotate" shows is another question. Section A.7.1 of cederqvist says "[annotate] print[s] the head revision of the trunk, together with information on the last modification for each line". I will discuss that in Point 4.

2. Jim Hyslop says "I just created a test file with the $Log$ keyword and examined the ,v file. The information in there supports what you (i.e. Todd) just said." Well, I looked at the ,v file, which has the folowing:

@this is my log ha ha ha
@$Id: compiler.c,v 1.2 2005/07/12 02:32:17 mingl Exp $
this is $Date: 2005/07/12 02:32:17 $
this is a file
$Log: compiler.c,v $
Revision 1.2  2005/07/12 02:32:17  mingl
third commit

Revision  2005/07/07 00:05:26  mingl
init import
This is really the last line I added on Monday....

So, indeed, the keywords are not expanded to reflect the latest modification. However, in Section 12 of cederqvist the word "files" refer to files in the working directory, not in the repository. Keyword substition in the ,v files is undefined in cederqvist. Hence, I don't think it is appropriate to look at the ,v files in the repository to understand the behavior of keyword substitution. It is confusing to talk about keyword expansion in the repository files.

3. Todd says "the log entry not yet been checked into CVS". I think that is the implementation detail that users should not be concerned with. From users' perspective, all cederqvist in effect says is "After a local file with a keyword is checked in, the keyword in that file is expanded to reflect the new revision information." Maybe Todd knows that the keyword is actually not expanded in the ,v file at the time of the check-in so the ,v file does not have the keyword expanded to reflect the new revision information. But I am hesistant to use some undocumented implementation details, rather than cederqvist, to explain the program behavior.

4. cederqvist says annotate should print the last modification on each line (Sec A.7.1). It does not say whether the modification is in respect to the local file or the ,v file. Neither does it say what "modification" means in respect to keyword. The user does not really "modify" the line that has the keyword. It is the CVS system that "modifies" it by expanding the keyword. And apparently the local file is "modified" (in the sense the new revision information is reflected) as the user sees it. On the other hand, the ,v file is not "modified" (but because cederqvist is silent on that, it can be changed in future release). Nevertheless, cederqvist is talking about each line in the "source file" (i.e. the local file) not the ,v file - annotate is not printing revision info on each line of the ,v file, it prints revision info on each line of the source file. So I guess it is reasonable to assume that he modification is in respect to the source file. As it meets the eyes of the user, the source file contains a line that is different from the last version of the source file, that in my opinion would constitute a "modification." The user may not even know how keyword substitution works. He just checks out a copy from the repository that has a line "$Date: 2005/07/12 02:32:17 $ in it, and after he modifies and commits, he finds out the line changes to $Date: 2005/07/12 03:10:28 $. To him, that is a modification alright. And since annotate prints out "information on the last modification for each line", he should reasonably expect 03:10:28 be printed. Therefore I think the actual behavior of the annotate command is inconsistent with what is described in the manual. Either the program or the documentation has a bug.

5. Larry Jones says "the $Log$ keyword (not command) is expanded by checkout/update".
For the record, the annotate output is not affected by update:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cvs update
cvs update: Updating .

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cvs annotate

Annotations for compiler.c
1.3 (mingl 12-Jul-05): $Id: compiler.c,v 1.2 2005/07/12 02:32:17 mingl Exp $
1.3          (mingl    12-Jul-05): this is $Date: 2005/07/12 02:32:17 $
1.2          (mingl    12-Jul-05): $Log: compiler.c,v $
1.3          (mingl    12-Jul-05): Revision 1.2  2005/07/12 02:32:17  mingl
1.3          (mingl    12-Jul-05): third commit
1.3          (mingl    12-Jul-05):
1.2 (mingl 12-Jul-05): Revision 2005/07/07 00:05:26 mingl
1.2          (mingl    12-Jul-05): init import

The update command does NOT do keyword expansion in the ,v file:

@this is my log ha ha ha
@$Id: compiler.c,v 1.2 2005/07/12 02:32:17 mingl Exp $
this is $Date: 2005/07/12 02:32:17 $
this is a file
$Log: compiler.c,v $
Revision 1.2  2005/07/12 02:32:17  mingl
third commit

A "cvs checkout" does not reflect the new revision info either.

- Ming Kin Lai

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