Sec 4.5 of 1.11.20 cederqvist says: "running the cvs tag command without arguments causes CVS to select the revisions which are checked out in the current working directory. ... One potentially aspect of the fact that cvs tag operates on the repository is that you are tagging the checked-in revisions, which may differ from locally modified files ..." I think it is somewhat confusing, especially to new users. At first it talks about a checked-out revision, then it talks about a checked-in revision. Well, I understand they mean the same, at least in some cases; but it is not quite accurate and probably confusing. 1. The problem with "checked out" is that it does not literally mean "checked out". Suppose I check out a file with revision 1.1, modify it and commit it, so now I have revision 1.2 in my working directory. I run "cvs tag". And 1.2 gets tagged. Literally 1.1 is the revision I checked out. I did not check out 1.2, unless commit implies check out - but I think it's better separate them; after all ci and co are two different commands. Also, stating that a checked-out version is tagged may give the wrong impression that the user (unnecessarily) needs to do a "cvs co" before tagging. 2. The problem with "checked in" is that there may not be any check-in (cvs ci). Suppose I check out a file for the first time and without modifying it, run "cvs tag". The one and only one revision gets tagged; but there is never any check-in. Stating that a checked-in revision is tagged may give the wrong impression that the user (unnecessarily) needs to do a "cvs ci" before tagging.

Anyone agrees or disagrees?

Incidentally, the entry for tag in Appendix B (page 132) says "Add a symbolic tag to checked out version". I think "checked out" need to be re-worded, and "version" probably should be "revision".

Finally there are a number of places in cederqvist that use the phase "checked out". I am not sure all mean literally "checked out". For example, Sec 1.3.4 says "diff compare[s] the version (revision?) of driver.c that you checked out with your working copy." Again, suppose I check out a file with revision 1.1, modify it and commit it, so now I have revision 1.2 in my working directory. I run "cvs diff". There is no difference. The comparison is NOT between 1.1 (the last revision I checked out (using cvs co)) and 1.2. I think the phase "checked out" should be used with care.

Ming Kin Lai

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