I uncomented the imaps entry in /etc/cyrus.conf. Now
if I telnet to localhost on port 993 I am prompted to
enter a PEM pass phrase. Somethings seems
misconfiugred no? If I enter the PEM passphrase for
the server's cert it fails. I know something is wrong
here I am just unsure what. If you could give me some
feedback I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. Here
is the transcript:

Ccatfish# telnet localhost 993
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Enter PEM pass phrase:XXXXXX

* BYE Fatal error: tls_init() failed
Connection closed by foreign host.


--- chirs charter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What line is that? I made my imapd.conf file by
> hand?
> Are you maybe talking about /etc/cyrus.conf ?
> I am confused.
> Thanks again.
> --- Jeremy Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > chirs charter wrote:
> > > Does Outlook Express use STARTTLS?
> > 
> > No. When you check the 'secure server' checkbox it
> > will switch to port 993
> > automatically. However, if you've got STARTTLS
> > working in IMAPd OK, all you
> > have to do to get imaps working is to uncomment
> the
> > appropriate line in
> > /etc/imapd.conf.
> > 
> > 
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