chirs charter wrote
> Should I have a socket for imaps and or imap in
> /var/imap/socket ? Currently I only have an lmtp
> socket:
> /var/imap/socket
> catfish# ls -l
> total 0
> srwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          0 Aug 22 22:31
> lmtp
No. imaps and imap use TCP sockets, not Unix sockets. So what you see is

> Aug 23 05:15:04 catfish master[1754]: [ID 392559
> local6.debug] about to exec /us
> r/local/bin/imapd
> Aug 23 05:15:04 catfish service-imaps[1754]: [ID
> 518349 local6.debug] executed
> Aug 23 05:15:04 catfish imapd[1754]: [ID 921384
> local6.debug] accepted connectio
> n
> Aug 23 05:15:04 catfish imapd[1754]: [ID 459655
> local6.notice] TLS engine: canno
> t load CA data
> Aug 23 05:15:04 catfish imapd[1754]: [ID 164529
> local6.error] unable to get priv
> ate key from '/var/imap/catfish-cert.pem'

Does the cyrus user have access to /var/imap/catfish-cert.pem and its parent

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