I would very much appreciate it if someone could let me know whether 
cyrus supports doing the following things, and where I might find the 
appropriate documentation:

Specifying the time that "quotawarn" sends out a warning message

Specifying the exact text of that warning message

Notifying the user who has exceeded quota so they can fix the problem 
immediately, instead of wondering why they haven't any messages for two 
days, and then calling tech support complaining that "their account is 
broken". My experience has been that most of the time that people exceed 
quota is because someone sent them a gargantuan attachment, so they 
often never receive the quotawarn message - the big attachment took them 
directly from 75% to 110% of quota.

I assume this last bit would require a patch. My C skills aren't great, 
but if nobody else has any ideas I'm willing to attempt it if I can get 
some suggestions about the best approach.

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