Víctor Guerra schrieb:
Hello everybody, i have a cyrus-qmail installation on Red hat 7.3. I have set quotas to everybody and i want the following: When somebody (the sender) writes an e-mail to somebody (the recipient) cyrus must check quotas and if the recipient has the quota full... cyrus must to reply the sender telling that to him. Somebody knows how to do this??>man imapd.conf
thanks a log
Víctor Guerra
lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure: 0
If enabled, lmtpd returns a permanent failure code when
a user's mailbox is over quota. By default, the
failure is temporary.
I think one of these two possible modes should do it. I have sendmail and played a bit with this option yesterday:
If disabled sendmail tries delivery for 5 days sending a warning to the sender after one hour and returns the email after these 5 days if the mailbox is still over quota
If enabled sendmail immediately returns the mail stating an error "Over Quota"