Lawrence Greenfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Gary Mills writes:
>    >
>    >So that means that what I'm trying to do is impossible!  I have several
>    >thousand users with Unix mailboxes, and I'm trying to load them into
>    >Cyrus.  I don't know their passwords.  Last time I did this, on a
>    >smaller scale, I just redelivered all the mail.  This had the side
>    >effect that all the mail appeared as new and unread.  This time, I'd
>    >like to preserve the status of each message.  So, it can't be done?

Recently, I converted ~500 users email from Netscape's 'local mail' format to
a Cyrus server and also got bitten when trying to preserve the \Seen flag.

>    2) Provide a mechanism in Cyrus for the administrator to `su' to another
>       user.  It could be controlled by a configuration option.  The loading
>       script could log in once as the administrator and then impersonate
>       each user as it appended to that user's mailbox.
> SASL already has this mechanism, and I use it frequently.  Cyrus
> allows administrators to authorize as any user.

This is what I did, but as I was operating over a non-SSL localhost
connection, PLAIN wasn't available. The following temporary patch fixed that:

--- imapd.c.orig        Sun Jul  8 16:59:59 2001
+++ imapd.c     Tue Jul 31 19:12:13 2001
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@
        fatal("SASL failed initializing: sasl_server_new()", EC_TEMPFAIL);

-    secprops = mysasl_secprops(SASL_SEC_NOPLAINTEXT);
+    secprops = mysasl_secprops(0);
     sasl_setprop(imapd_saslconn, SASL_SEC_PROPS, secprops);
     if (extprops.ssf) {
        sasl_setprop(imapd_saslconn, SASL_SSF_EXTERNAL, &extprops);

Although from Ken's email it seems the -p option to imapd would have sufficed
instead, oh well!



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