I think that all the code that is dependent on a particular database should be completely isolated, making it simpler to port to new databases, for instance: Nicola likes postgres, you like mysql, and I love oracle (besides it is very expensive), somebody else would like an interbase or a sapdb backend.

Noll Janos wrote:

 I think that's a very good idea, but we found that MySQL is much faster
than Postgres, when there are no complex queries (this is the case here),
so it might be a better idea to use MySQL.

On 25-Nov-2002 Nicola Ranaldo wrote:
Due to our historical problems using BerkeleyDB4 over True64Unix I'm
coding a PostgreSQL backend.
It's in alpha stage and seems to work fine over an our production
with about 7500 mailboxes.
Cyrus.log is DBERROR free, and users do not report any problem.
Access to mboxlist is about 5 time faster then with BerkeleyDB4.
If the cyrus community is interested in this little piece of code (i
know due to presence of skiplist backend) we can start a thread now!

| Noll Janos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.johnzero.hu |
| "Expect the unexpected!"    |   ICQ# 4547866   |  Be free! |


Best Regards,

Alessandro Oliveira
Nuno Ferreira Cargas Internacionais Ltda.
Phone: +55-11-3241-2000
Fax  : +55-11-3242-9891

It's trivial to make fun of Microsoft products, but it takes a real 
man to make them work, and a god to make them do anything useful.

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