> > 'worse' as new backends are implemented, the ability to build a
> > compiled version of Cyrus that could find and use whatever database
> > format it can see (or failing that, whatever database some separate
> > utility can see and then edit into the config files), would probably
> > help reduce the "I upgraded Cyrus to the latest package, and
> > everything broke" type of posts -- which in some cases have reportedly
> > led to users giving up on Cyrus altogether.
> At least my RPM packages do exactly this. I have put much effort in
> creating packages which have build time options for DB backends and DB
> conversion is performed automagically on the fly while
> installing/upgrading/restarting. I didn't get any feedback until now
> about this feature so I expect it works for most people :)
> If it doesn't work, let me know.

Your packages are great! However, it would be a nice feature to have
some sort of "recompile.conf" file that could be used for upgrades. I
chenged most of my db's to skiplist before I got things working. Now, if
I recompile without thinking (a bit stressed for some reason) I might
just happen to create loads of work. Therefore it would be nice to have
a simple way to keep settings between version - unless you realy want to
change things.

> Simon
> > 
> > I don't know for sure whether a simple and reliable package upgrade is
> > worth "a (small) performance penalty" for the average user of a
> > pre-packaged (RPM or .deb) Cyrus, but I suspect it might well be.  And
> > over time, such sites may become the majority of Cyrus installations.
> > 
> > This probably isn't something of great utility to CMU, but for the
> > average Linux sysadmin who just wants to grab an RPM or a .deb and
> > install it and have Cyrus "just work", upgrading as new RPMs/.debs are
> > released, it could be a big deal in the long run.
> > 
> > Jonathan
> > --
> > Jonathan Marsden        | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Making electronic
> > 1252 Judson Street      | Phone: +1 (909) 795-3877      | communications work
> > Redlands, CA 92374      | Fax:   +1 (909) 795-0327      | reliably for Christian
> > USA                     | http://www.xc.org/jonathan    | missions worldwide

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