Rob Siemborski wrote:
On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Andrzej Filip wrote:
In any case, it is unclear what could usefully be done with this, as
reject guarantees that an MDN will be sent, which SMTP error codes do not

It will make remote host sending message to sendmail & cyrus pair responsible
for generating the bounce message (in format beyond our control).

Right -- this doesn't satisfy the definition or reject.

But it satisfy definition of usefullness when dealing with "most likely" spammers (IMHO).

A discard action has a similar problem -- you still need to accept the
message but later throw it out.

This is a tricky problem from sendmail perspective.

As I wrote incorporating sieve into map lookup results send back to sendmail
is an option to investigate in some future version of cyrus "map protocol"
server. [Just do not forget that some people think it makes some sense :) ]

I don't think this is something that really needs to be pushed out to the
MTA.  Though sieve-at-MTA-time may be interesting, its an unrelated

The map protocol can be used to implement at-RCTO_TO-time sieve interpretation by cyrus (passing data required, getting back the reply.

BTW: Have anybody suggested implementing "cyrus milter" ?
[milter: external "mail filter" for sendmail]

It would allow full integration with sendmail, rejecting at "RCPT TO:" stage (invalid addresses in domains handled by cyrus) and at "final dot" (anti-spam sieve for "most likely faked" sender address).
[Milter API library (as provided by requires thread support.]

Ken's super-fast implementation of "socket map" has made me ask for more :)


Andrzej [pl>en: Andrew] Adam Filip

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