--On Wednesday, May 19, 2004 03:14:38 PM -0400 Ken Murchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]# ./socketmapClient.pl unix:/var/imap/socket/smmapd
cyrus koarl
koarl => PERM Over quota

Check your imapd.conf. My guess is that you have lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure enabled. If not, then you have an old/broken version of smmapd.

You are right, if I disable it then I get:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] init.d]# /tmp/socketmapClient.pl unix:/var/imap/socket/smmapd cyrus koarl
koarl => TEMP Over quota

BTW, this is cyurs-2.2.4

Now sendmail says:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] init.d]# /usr/lib/sendmail -d60.1 -bv [EMAIL PROTECTED]
map_lookup(dequote, root) => NOT FOUND (0)
map_lookup(dequote, koarl) => NOT FOUND (0)
map_lookup(user, koarl) => NOT FOUND (67)
map_lookup(cyrus, koarl) => NOT FOUND (75)
map_lookup(cyrus, koarl) tempfail: errno=0
[EMAIL PROTECTED] deliverable: mailer local, user koarl

[EMAIL PROTECTED] init.d]# telnet localhost smtp
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 zidd-198.tu-graz.ac.at ESMTP server ready at Wed, 19 May 2004 21:27:32 +0200 (CEST)
helo localhost
250 zidd-198.tu-graz.ac.at Hello localhost [], pleased to meet you
mail from: <>
250 2.1.0 <>... Sender ok
rcpt to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
250 2.1.5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Recipient ok (will queue)

But there is no local user "koarl". I'd like that sendmail does not queue for users that are over quota. Sendmail also queues if cyrus (smmapd) is not running, I'd like it to TEMPFAIL and reject messages.


-- --------------------------------- Didi Rieder [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGPKey ID: 3431D0B0 ---------------------------------

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