"Paul Haldane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kjetil Torgrim Homme
> > 
> > On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 14:19 +0000, Paul Haldane wrote:
> > > We're running a couple of largish cyrus (2.x) imap servers (with
> > > sendmail).  Our admin people have come up with a request to 
> > > be able to
> > > deliver messages (from certain email addresses) to people who have
> > > reached their mailbox quota. 
> ...
> > we do this with Exim, so I can't offer help with the Sendmail
> > definitions.  for messages which qualify, we use a special mailer
> > ("transport" in Exim terminology) which invokes "deliver -q".  normal
> > delivery happens with LMTP.  it is possible to do this 
> > directly in LMTP
> > (that's what deliver(8) does), but Exim doesn't support sending the
> > required parameter ("IGNOREQUOTA") in the RCPT TO command.  although
> > deliver(8) isn't as reliable as direct LMTP, the volume of such
> > exceptional messages should be so low it doesn't matter much.
> Thanks.  I asked the same question in comp.mail.sendmail and got a reference 
> to 
> http://anfi.homeunix.net/sendmail/smarttab.html 
> as a way of routing messages based on sender in sendmail.
> However after some further discussion with colleagues we decided not
> to implement any of this at the moment.  Main justification is that a
> large chunk of our user community has their mail delivered to an
> Exchange server and the Exchange admins say that there's no way for
> them to force delivery there.
> We'll probably revisit this in the future and look at moving to Exim
> (since we want to do that anyway).

Have you considered using some script for sending the messages directly?
[without MTA help, e.g. using "deliver -q ..." ]

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