On Wed, 05 Jul 2023 13:34:37 -0700 Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> 

> Stephen Berman <stephen.ber...@gmx.net> writes:
>> On Wed, 05 Jul 2023 11:55:36 -0700 Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> 
>> wrote:
>>> The nntp-connection-timeout variable has been present and nil since
>>> 1999. I put my original buggy fix in at the end of October 2021, so that
>>> seems suspicious, but that should only have had an effect if you had set
>>> nntp-connection-timeout to something other than the default of nil.
>> I've never touched nntp-connection-timeout, I only became aware of it
>> when you mentioned it in this thread.  Also, October 2021 is too early:
>> the early to mid December date stands out to me because in early
>> December of that year there was a change in my internet service, and I
>> started experiencing the Gnus problem soon thereafter.  At first I
>> thought it might be due to my change in internet service, but the
>> problem really was and remains only with fetching news with Gnus (and
>> not with fetching email with Gnus, which I do from different mail
>> servers).  I also only use news.gmane.io for fetching news, so that's
>> why I thought maybe something changed there.
> It's entirely possible! The buggy fix was reverted in early May, so if
> you stopped seeing the bad behavior then, that would be pretty conclusive.

Unfortunately, I can conclusively state that I continue to get the hangs
to this day (and the sightings reported by Prashant Tak and Eric Fraga
were also just within the last week or so).

Steve Berman

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