Title: Re: [info-tech] Deep Freeze software
We use deepfreeze standard edition on the pc's in our lab. I unfreeze them once a month and download virus def's . It is easy to install and easy to unfreeze for software installs or updates.

Bill Day
Technology Coordinator
TRV Schools
Bode, IA 50519
ph 1-515-379-1526

on 3/26/04 7:29 AM, Brian Ney at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone use a program called Deep Freeze that restores PCs to the exact configuration as when they were started for the day?  I know that there are at least two versions - a basic and a professional.  From questions to deepfreeze.com, the basic version even erases anti-virus updates that may have been automatically installed during the day.  The professional version has a way around that.  Any files saved to the "C" drive or desktop during the day are also erased on restart.

I'm trying to find a way to eliminate the student-installed stuff and any spybots that might be installed behind the scenes  short of manually deleting them and running SpyBot or Ad-Aware.  There are ways to manually or through network management to "unfreeze" the machines to install software that a teacher/administrator/tech person wants there.

Brian Ney
N. Kossuth

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