On Apr 25, 2007, at 8:20 AM, Frerichs, Chad wrote:


We have a Watchguard Firebox firewall that does content filtering including much of the proxy stuff, and we use that in conjunction with a Squid proxy server. Squid allows me to filter urls based on keywords. This seems to do a pretty good job of blocking most unwanted content (and once in a while some wanted content in which case I can add specific sites to a safe list). However, I think the most effective deterrent is the fact that 'misuse of school technology' gets the students' technology privileges taken away for 30 days. To increase this effectiveness the students have been made fully aware that ALL internet traffic is logged and monitored. It only took a few students getting 'caught' for word to spread. I am not saying I do not still get a few students trying their luck that I will miss something, but I think the fact they know I'm watching and there are definite consequences deters many.

I am looking to add a Squid Proxy Cache here, and I know there are lots of folks out there that already use it. What are some best practices for installing and managing it? What OS did you install it on? What size machine? Did you use a binary or an already compiled installer? I have been scanning the squid website, and I just want to see what other school's did in practice.

Karl Hehr
District Technology Coordinator
South Hamilton CSD
Jewell, IA

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