We have two mobile labs in our elementary. One thing I have done is to have a wireless access point set up on the cart itself. When the mobile lab is in a classroom, the base is then connected to the network in the classroom, thus keeping a strong signal for the mobile lab.

There is also a printer on the cart connected to the access point to provide for printing to be done in the classroom where the lab is located.

Just info to share for what it is worth.

Ann Bloomquist

Ann Bloomquist
Technology  Coordinator
Dayton Elementary School
Southeast Webster-Grand
104 2nd St NW
Dayton, IA  50530
Phone:  515-547-2314
Fax:    515-547-2213


Boxholm Middle School
Southeast Webster-Grandl
404 Walnut St.
Boxholm, IA  50040
Phone 515-846-6214
Fax 515-846-6212

e-mail: a_bloomqu...@se-webster.k12.ia.us
alternate e-mail:  swebs...@lvcta.com

On Jan 27, 2009, at 11:03 AM, Mueller, Mitch wrote:

Who out there has laptop carts, or mobile labs. We are looking at getting one of them. Our high school principal is wanting one but we have a lot of problems with our wireless network working so I want to stay away from them. I would rather have a couple new labs of terminal services like we have now but using terminal clients and not old computers. Could you guys please give me input of what you think. Any questions just ask and I’ll respond asap.

Mitch Mueller
Emmetsburg Community Schools

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