Hi team,
I have few ideas regarding the project, any feedback will be appreciated !  

### IRC ###
1. I think that we should create new channels on irc, #ovirt is not enough.
We should add: 

#ovirt-meeting - will be used for meetings only, need to add bot that will log 
the meetings
#ovirt-devel - will be used for devel discussions only
#ovirt - general

2. Infra meetings should start with the following topic - New folks 
introductions (this is a tmp subject)
In this topic we will let new folks to introduce themselves. 

### Ovirt website ###

1. We should add link to the infra in - http://www.ovirt.org/Community
It should be possible to navigate to http://www.ovirt.org/Infra from 
http://www.ovirt.org/Community .
First thing someone that want to join the project will navigate to 
http://www.ovirt.org/Community ,
so it is very important to add link there.

2. Update - http://www.ovirt.org/Becoming_an_Infrastructure_team_member

Infra mailing list

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