On 02/24/2013 08:34 AM, Kiril Nesenko wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Kenigsberg" <dan...@redhat.com>
To: "Kiril Nesenko" <ki...@redhat.com>
Cc: infra@ovirt.org
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 3:20:01 PM
Subject: Re: New ideas to grow the community

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 04:42:23AM -0500, Kiril Nesenko wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Kenigsberg" <dan...@redhat.com>
To: "Kiril Nesenko" <ki...@redhat.com>
Cc: infra@ovirt.org
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 11:25:41 AM
Subject: Re: New ideas to grow the community

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 04:00:29AM -0500, Kiril Nesenko wrote:
Hi team,
I have few ideas regarding the project, any feedback will be
appreciated !

### IRC ###
1. I think that we should create new channels on irc, #ovirt is

Would you explain why it's time to fork #ovirt? I do not see TOO
traffic or confusion there.

I think that we need to prepare for the future and do things
I think that this will help the project to grow.

We should add:

#ovirt-meeting - will be used for meetings only, need to add
that will log the meetings

meeting can generate a lot of temporary noise which can deter
from jumping in, so I would agree to create an ad-hoc channel for
meeting - but please update the main #ovirt topic to indicate
meeting takes place.

Nobody told users that they must/should attend meetings. If they
want - they will attend.
Why not ovirt-meeting ? I like this name.

I don't mind the name - I just want the topic of #ovirt to remind me
where have everybody's gone to.

Good idea

This was discussed very early on -- splitting off and having a -meeting channel. We didn't make the change at that time because there wasn't enough traffic on the channel to warrant having 2 channels. Also, having the meetings in the #ovirt channel can have the side-effect of drawing more people into the meetings that are just lurking in #ovirt. Currently, there are only 3 meetings[1] per week in the #ovirt channel, each lasting 1 hr or less, generally. IMO, moving 3 meetings out is not really going to help.

Sure we need to update the wiki with a new place

#ovirt-devel - will be used for devel discussions only

Have users complained that there are to many technical
discussions on
#ovirt? I think that it's important to keep the devels near users
devels become a nuisance.

Each discussions should be done in the right place.
Maybe devel channel is not relevant for now,
but still it will be nice to have it for a future.

I think that spinning off #ovirt-devel is not "a thing done
We may have to do it in the future, if users are tired of technical
discussions. Until this happens, we need to keep the guys who knows
most about the code near the guys who needs their support, in one

Yes I agree with you.

I agree, lets not make this split until we have to.


#ovirt - general

2. Infra meetings should start with the following topic - New
introductions (this is a tmp subject)
In this topic we will let new folks to introduce themselves.

### Ovirt website ###

1. We should add link to the infra in -
It should be possible to navigate to http://www.ovirt.org/Infra
from http://www.ovirt.org/Community .
First thing someone that want to join the project will navigate
http://www.ovirt.org/Community ,
so it is very important to add link there.

2. Update -
Infra mailing list

Infra mailing list

Infra mailing list

[1] infra on Monday, node on Tuesday, Project on Wednesday.
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