Hi Brynn,

Am 20.06.2015 um 20:50 schrieb Brynn:
> Hi Maren (and whoever else might be interested),
>        For the new faq item pointing to the roadmap, I'm thinking in the
> first section ....
>        Did you already do this?  Or was it already done, and I didn't
> realize it?  That's why it's showing unpublished? (banging head smiley
> again!)  Ok if I add the caution about the flexibility of the roadmap?

- Right, it's already in the FAQ:

Yes, please add the note about possible changes / not taking that by the
letter there.

>        Re the list of wiki articles that I thought needed to be added to
> documentation, that are currently linked from the faq.  Ok, so attached
> is a new document I started, with these faq items at the top, and we can
> add below as we work through the wiki.

- Nice :)

>        Briefly, it sounds like we agree that #1 and #2 would be good to
> be documented.  #3 and #4 are no longer applicable (the faq items which
> linked to them aren't there anymore -- I think there was some last
> minute editing, or otherwise sometime since I wrote that list, that
> those items were either dropped or changed, and the info isn't needed). 

> However, I think it would be awesome to have instructions for compiling,
> for all 3 supported systems!

- Yes :) But those instructions (esp. the necessary libraries you need
to install before you compile) change rapidly (relative to Inkscape-time
units :)).
I don't know if it is possible to make them so generic as to keep them
current for as long as possible.

Is compiling a user topic? Or is this developer realm? For me, it's a
bit in a grey zone in between, but more on the dev side. Testers would
need that. Or people who want to offer Inkscape for download.

For the normal users, pre-release versions are available for download
for previewing when a new release is nearing, and daily builds for
Ubuntu are available all the time, too. I think ~suv is creating OS X
builds regularly.

Compiling on Linux/Debian-based systems is quite generic and easy, and
there's a (mostly, don't know about dependencies) current version on the
Wiki: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/CompilingUbuntu

For Windows, the last update by TheAdib is from last summer:

For OS X, there's a clearly outdated guide:

Oh, oops - I just found that the info *is* already on the website:
(could probably profit from an update, though)

You could add that to the to-do list, to a new 'Website' section, as
'needs update'....
Just like these:
https://inkscape.org/en/develop/debugging/ (that last one might just
need a quick glance by someone who knows how it works, could still be

Yesterday, our translators already complained about outdated/unfinished
pages... I couldn't help much with that, unfortunately, besides asking
them to concentrate on the other pages... Argh...

The devs I had asked - various over time - all forgot about reviewing
the page / had other priorities in the end, and I don't want to ask
repeatedly... It's not my job to annoy people...

>        #5 is the Illustrator info.  When I first started with Inkscape,
> there was some demand for this info.  I used to see messages in forums
> from Illustrator users wishing to switch over -- at least enough
> messages to warrant the article or chapter in the manual.  I haven't
> seen a message like that for probably.....2 or 3 years.  I'm not sure
> why.  It seems to me that the info should still be relevant (current
> info, I mean, current to both programs).
>        But let's not get too hung up on how to accomplish this stuff.
> Let's just make the list for Step 1.  And maybe by the time we're done,
> we'll be getting some ideas about Step 2.  How does that sound?

- Reasonable, smart and good :)

>        Shortly after I send this, I'll add the list of 10 or 15 pages
> from the list I told you I had started (separate from the 1 for the
> faq), and we can discuss whenever we have time.  Does that sound ok?

- Yep.

Thank you, Brynn!

Kind regards,

> All best,
> brynn
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Maren Hachmann" <ma...@goos-habermann.de>
> Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 8:52 AM
> To: "Brynn" <br...@frii.com>; <inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-docs] more prominent link to the wiki?
>> Hi Brynn,
>> Am 20.06.2015 um 06:00 schrieb Brynn:
>>> Hi Maren,
>>>        Out of curiosity, when you type "wik" in you browser, how does it
>>> know to find the Inkscape wiki, and not Wikipedia, or Wikimedia, or some
>>> other program's wiki, etc?
>> - The browser proposes the pages I have visited most often first ;) The
>> other pages range below in the list it shows me.
>>>        If users are looking to the Roadmap as "set in stone" then they
>>> simply need to be informed properly.  For as long as I've been using
>>> Inkscape (8 years), the wiki has been a resource for both users and
>>> developers.  Most of them have no idea that it's being groomed as
>>> 'developer only'.  Ask Martin how many times I asked him to confirm
>>> that, Yes, the wiki will only be for developers.  At least 4 or 5, as I
>>> recall.  **It's a radical change, and afaik, I'm the only user who knows
>>> that.**
>> - I'm a user, too ;)
>> New people who want to download, or learn about Inkscape - at least in
>> my google results - are guided to inkscape.org, not to
>> wiki.inkscape.org. For the first few weeks that I was here, I didn't
>> even know the Wiki existed (until I translated the pages that link to
>> it).
>> It seems this was different in a time when I haven't been part of the
>> project, didn't know that.
>>>        Not only do I have a list of wiki articles that are user-related,
>>> that are linked from the FAQ (attached), I actually started to make a
>>> list of ALL wiki articles that are for users.  But I started getting
>>> tripped up when I came to things I didn't understand, and wasn't sure if
>>> they were for users or not.
>>>        I would be glad to start working on that again, if I could get
>>> some guidance from you, on pages where I have questions.  All I could do
>>> is make a list, but that might be a starting place for someone else?
>> - Sounds like we have a volunteer ;) - seriously, I believe it's a good
>> idea to make a list of which info should be accessible more easily to
>> users. I can't promise we can take *everything* to the website (esp.
>> those things that will be in the manual might not be needed there), but
>> we should find out what could be missing, and give it proper thought.
>>>        (Note that when I first started working on the FAQ, I don't think
>>> you were involved yet.  After I announced some of my work on the dev
>>> mailing list, it was Bryce who said that if I found info in the wiki
>>> which really should be in the documentation, to make note of it.  It's
>>> possible that it's not appropriate for some of this to be documented,
>>> but that was my best understanding at the time.)
>>>        I guess the FAQ would be my best idea as the best place for the
>>> Roadmap to be linked, if it should not be on the website.  But it would
>>> go a long way towards preventing users from thinking it's "a done deal"
>>> by putting a simple sentence at the top of the page, to that effect.
>>> That could also be said in the faq.
>>>        I was just about to add those couple of links I've been putting
>>> off adding.  So shall I make the new faq item for the roadmap, while I'm
>>> at it?
>> - Go ahead :) - sounds good to me.
>>>> - You're quite hardy :)
>>>> I've internally categorized most of the Wiki pages as 'outdated' or
>>>> 'describing a plan, but not necessarily the real implementation'...
>>> Inkscape forums can be quite competitive, as to who gets the right
>>> answer. Although it's never really verbalized, many are aware!
>>> Where can I look to find out whether a page is outdated or describing a
>>> plan?
>> - Argh. That's difficult. You'd actually need to know the current state
>> to *know* if the info is still correct.
>> So there are a few options:
>> - Look at the top of the page. If there's a hint that the info is
>> outdated, discard right away.
>> - Look at the history of the page, to see when it was last changed. This
>> is not a really good indicator, because a few things just don't change,
>> but it can give you a hint.
>> - Compare with your own knowledge about the topic. Is it different?
>> (That's where it gets difficult... Neither you nor I nor Martin will be
>> able to tell that for all wiki pages)
>> - Ask someone who might know.
>> (This is difficult, too - we know that we don't always get answers...
>> and that people often react annoyed to this kind of question, or say
>> they will help and then never get around to it. This does not have
>> priority for many.)
>> For much of the user-relevant contents, I guess you and I will be able
>> to judge if it is current, with the help of suv for OS X questions.
>> We might not be able to say this for pages about comparisons with other
>> software, which we do not own.
>> About the attached list of Wiki articles:
>> - some of the Illustrator stuff seems no longer really necessary, as we
>> now have the keyboard shortcut editor, which also has the option to
>> choose the Illustrator shortcuts from the dropdown. For the other
>> things, I'm not sure a comparison is a good topic for us...
>> As both programs have evolved since that article was written, I'm
>> inclined to think that much of it will be outdated. If someone made a
>> more current comparison, this would be good as some kind of article,
>> with version numbers and dates, so everyone can see which versions this
>> refers to.
>> - Latex is important. Should definitely be part of the manual. Or we
>> could write some kind of official article, with a date on it and a
>> reference to the version number. Problem is, I can't contribute any info
>> there. I also don't know who can (in the answers section, these
>> questions usually remain unanswered). And the extensions seem to be
>> quite buggy currently, anyway...
>> - Customizing: should be in the manual. Or an article about this would
>> be nice. But there's also some work going on on this, so it may be
>> subject to change.
>> - Installing: Hopelessly outdated (3+4 are the same page). AFAIK, people
>> usually know what to do with a file they download, anyway - and all the
>> other info is already in the FAQ. Or which info on that page should be
>> transferred? I might have overlooked something...
>>>> Could you keep track of the kind of info you are looking up, so we can
>>>> maybe find a way to include the main components on the website?
>>> I don't remember everything I've looked up, but once was info about the
>>> new Symbols dialog.  And if the new manual comes out pretty soon, I
>>> won't have to go to the wiki anymore.
>>>        This is a whole other subject, but I wish we had like a team to
>>> write the manual, so it wouldn't all be on 1 person's shoulders!  I
>>> mean, Inkscape really should have it's own "official manual", rather
>>> than an "official" manual.  And imo, the official manual should be on
>>> the website. But again, that's another subject.
>> - Yes, I know. I feel like you do, but I can't start a team for this
>> myself. We once had a team who collaboratively wrote a manual, but that
>> effort seems to have died... I don't know why, I wasn't around.
>> What I know is that Tav actually does not make money with the manual,
>> and would be delighted if some day, there were an effort made to make a
>> real, freely usable, user manual (well, I asked him about the background
>> of the 'official' manual being restrictively licenced, and he actually
>> took the time to explain to me.)
>> The difficulty is it would have to start from the FOSS manual and it
>> can't copy anything from Tav's guide.
>> (when I started using Inkscape, I found Tav's guide quite difficult to
>> understand - it was far too technical - so that might not be so bad, in
>> the end)
>> And of course, we'd need at least 10 people who want to help with that,
>> who have the time for this, who have a good command of English, and who
>> actually have the knowledge to do so.
>> And we'd need someone who knows how to write documentation to guide them.
>> This seems unrealistic to me, currently, judging from overall user
>> activity on mailing lists etc. ...
>> We should open up a 'job wall' somewhere... there a so many vacancies ;)
>> Kind regards,
>> Maren
>>> Thanks,
>>> brynn
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: "Maren Hachmann" <ma...@goos-habermann.de>
>>> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:46 PM
>>> To: "Brynn" <br...@frii.com>; <inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-docs] more prominent link to the wiki?
>>>> Hi Brynn,
>>>> Am 19.06.2015 um 05:19 schrieb Brynn:
>>>>> Hi Maren,
>>>>>        Yes, I understand that the intent for the wiki is more for
>>>>> developers.  I didn't mean there should be a more prominent link for
>>>>> users to get to the wiki.  I meant for developers, but others could
>>>>> use
>>>>> it too.
>>>> - Mmh. For devs, the link isn't too hidden, I think:
>>>> https://inkscape.org/en/develop/ , fourth paragraph
>>>> (but also new devs should not rely on the info in the Wiki being up to
>>>> date).
>>>> I usually just type 'wik' into my browser's address line, and then
>>>> autocompletion kicks in...
>>>>>        I don't know.  Maybe developers just don't need to go from
>>>>> website to wiki.  Maybe it's just me.
>>>>>        But fwiw, what I'm looking for most often is the Release Notes,
>>>> - I think that for the next version we could try and get the Release
>>>> Notes on the website when they are finalized. They are an important
>>>> part
>>>> of the documentation. This will also make it easier for our
>>>> translators'
>>>> team (who have access to website editing, but most don't have wiki
>>>> privileges) to translate them (translating Release Notes is a difficult
>>>> task by itself...).
>>>>> Roadmap,
>>>> - The Roadmap is being changed by devs all the time - and users should
>>>> not rely on it too much - but unfortunately, they often take it by the
>>>> letter, and are then disappointed... It's good info, but I'm a bit
>>>> hesitant to put it on the website. Is there a place on the website
>>>> which
>>>> could profit from a direct link to the Roadmap?
>>>> (maybe: The Next Release, FAQ, Features?)
>>>>> and I often search the wiki while trying to answer support
>>>>> questions from forums.
>>>> - You're quite hardy :)
>>>> I've internally categorized most of the Wiki pages as 'outdated' or
>>>> 'describing a plan, but not necessarily the real implementation'...
>>>> Could you keep track of the kind of info you are looking up, so we can
>>>> maybe find a way to include the main components on the website?
>>>>> And for the latter, this is especially more for
>>>>> the new-in-0.91-features, because the manual hasn't been updated,
>>>>> and a
>>>>> lot of the new features are explained in the wiki.  Once the manual is
>>>>> updated, I won't be in the wiki as much.
>>>> - Tav told me he'd take care of this soon. But it's an awful lot of
>>>> work
>>>> (so many new features ;) ), so it may still take a while.
>>>>>        (There IS a lot of user-focused stuff in the wiki!  I
>>>>> started to
>>>>> work on some of it, thinking maybe it could be updated and moved to
>>>>> the
>>>>> website, like I did with the faq.  But almost all of it is over my
>>>>> head.
>>>>>        I did make a list of the ones that are referenced in the faq,
>>>>> hoping to at least get that much transferred over.
>>>> - Could you share that list?
>>>> But afaik, no one
>>>>> has updated them or moved to the website.)
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Maren
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> brynn
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>> From: "Maren Hachmann" <ma...@goos-habermann.de>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:26 PM
>>>>> To: <inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-docs] more prominent link to the wiki?
>>>>>> Am 17.06.2015 um 07:31 schrieb Brynn:
>>>>>>> Hi Friends,
>>>>>>>         This might be just me, but I find myself needing to browse
>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> website to the wiki fairly often.  Of course I have a
>>>>>>> Favorite/Bookmark
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> it.  But I wonder if a link to the wiki should be easier to find on
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> website?
>>>>>> Hi Brynn,
>>>>>> depends a bit on what the Wiki is intended for.
>>>>>> Is it for learning?
>>>>>> I understood it more to be a site where the devs exchange their
>>>>>> ideas.
>>>>>> Most of the info there is outdated, and not regularly refreshed, or
>>>>>> only
>>>>>> important to developers - beside the Release notes, which live there,
>>>>>> because we didn't carry them over to the website after they were
>>>>>> finished (and which the devs may find easier to edit in the Wiki
>>>>>> than on
>>>>>> the web site - at least it allows to insert SVG as images...).
>>>>>> What are your use cases?
>>>>>> Which of the info in the Wiki should be accessible more easily?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Maren
>>>>>>>         Usually I open the Learn page, and use the link near the
>>>>>>> bottom
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the page.  Anyway, just a thought I wanted to share.  And I wonder
>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>> others might think about it.  Maybe that Learn page link is enough?
>>>>>>> All best,
>>>>>>> brynn
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