Good evening, Sylvain,

Am 03.04.2016 um 23:00 schrieb Sylvain Chiron:
> Hi all,
> My work of translating the website into French progresses a lot. Maren:
> German won't dominate much longer (oh, mamamia, you should hurry!).

- I didn't know there was a race.

> On this page, in this section:
> I've noticed the last sentence… which is a bit… alone. It requires a
> code example, which I couldn't find. Could someone here add it?

- Seems that was a CMS plugin that was lost along the way.

CMS Pygments plugin - color coded code example.
I've rescued these 4 from my cms backups now, it must have been one of
the following code bits (I think it's the second one, as I remember the
code you're asking about contained Krzysztof's name.)

Could you convert the formatting back to unicode, Sylvain, so it will
look alright and insert as <code> into the correct place?

I don't know where the other three are missing - if you can figure that
out, we can reinsert those into their corresponding places, too.

namespace Inkscape {\r\nnamespace UI {\r\n\r\nSandwich make_sandwich(int
x);\r\nint make_a_mess(float y);\r\n\r
\n} // namespace UI\r\n} // namespace Inkscape\r\n\r\nclass Bunkum\r\n
  : public Nonsense\r\n    , protected PublicSpeech\r\n{\r\n
public:\r\n    Bunkum()\r\n        : _x(1024)\r\n        , _y(42)\r\n
 {}\r\nprivate:\r\n    void _forget();\r\n    int _x, _y;\r\
n};\r\n\r\ntemplate <typename Basket>\r\nvoid fill_basket(Basket
&b)\r\n{\r\n    switch (a) {\r\n    case 1:\r\n        do_one();\r\
n        break;\r\n\r\n    case 2:\r\n        do_two();\r\n
break;\r\n\r\n    default:\r\n        break;\r\n    }\r\n\r\n
for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {\r\n        b <<
Inkscape::UI::make_sandwich();\r\n    }\r\n    return b;\r\n}

/** @file\r\n * Selector component (click and rubberband)\r\n *//*\r\n *
Authors:\r\n *   Krzysztof Kosi\u0144ski <>\r\n *\r\n
* Copyright (C) 2009 Authors\r\n * Released under GNU GPL, read the file
'COPYING' for more information\r\n */\r\n\r\n#ifndef
SEEN_UI_TOOL_SELECTOR_H\r\n\r\n#include <memory>\r\n#include
<gdk/gdk.h>\r\n#include <2geom/rect.h>\r\n#include
\"ui/tool/manipulator.h\"\r\n\r\nclass SPDesktop;\r\nclass
CtrlRect;\r\n\r\nnamespace Inkscape {\r\nnamespace UI {\r\n\r\nclass
SelectorPoint;\r\n\r\nclass Selector : public Manipulator
{\r\npublic:\r\n    Selector(SPDesktop *d);\r\n    virtual
~Selector();\r\n    virtual bool event(SPEventContext *, GdkEvent
*);\r\n    \r\n    sigc::signal<void, Geom::Rect const &,
GdkEventButton*> signal_area;\r\n    sigc::signal<void, Geom::Point
const &, GdkEventButton*> signal_point;\r\nprivate:\r\n    SelectorPoint
*_dragger;\r\n    Geom::Point _start;\r\n    CtrlRect *_rubber;\r\n
gulong _connection;\r\n    bool _cancel;\r\n    friend class
SelectorPoint;\r\n};\r\n\r\n} // namespace UI\r\n} // namespace
Inkscape\r\n\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n/*\r\n  Local Variables:\r\n  mode:c++\r\n
 c-file-style:\"stroustrup\"\r\n  c-file-offsets:((innamespace .
0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))\r\n  indent-tabs-mode:nil\r\n
fill-column:99\r\n  End:\r\n*/\r\n// vim:

#define SOME_MACRO(x) x\r\nvoid call_global();\r\nunsigned const
IMPORTANT_CONSTANT = 42;\r\n\r\nclass Example {\r\npublic:\r\n    void
callPublic();\r\n    static void call_public_static();\r\n    int
public_variable;\r\nprotected:\r\n    void _callProtected();\r\n
static void _call_protected_static();\r\n    int
_protected_variable;\r\nprivate:\r\n    void _callPrivate();\r\n
static void _call_private_static();\r\n    int
_private_variable;\r\n};\r\n\r\ntemplate <typename TypeParam, int
INTEGER_PARAM>\r\nvoid call_global_template(boost::array<TypeParam,
INTEGER_PARAM> const &array);

#define SOME_MACRO(x) x\r\nvoid call_global();\r\nunsigned const
IMPORTANT_CONSTANT = 42;\r\n\r\nclass Example {\r\npublic:\r\n    void
callPublic();\r\n    static void call_public_static();\r\n    int
public_variable;\r\nprotected:\r\n    void _callProtected();\r\n
static void _call_protected_static();\r\n    int
_protected_variable;\r\nprivate:\r\n    void _callPrivate();\r\n
static void _call_private_static();\r\n    int
_private_variable;\r\n};\r\n\r\ntemplate <typename TypeParam, int
INTEGER_PARAM>\r\nvoid call_global_template(boost::array<TypeParam,
INTEGER_PARAM> const &array);


> Also, I see on the TODO-list:
> ‘French-to-English translation: A group of French speaking community
> members wrote a new "Introduction to Inkscape" manual. To enable further
> translations, we need an English translation of this user centered
> manual first.’
> I am not a good English speaker or writer (I let you judge) but we could
> do that in two steps: I could start an approximate translation to
> English and someone could then make a real English text of it (ow, what
> a tedious work…).
> Are you okay? Brynn, would you do that?
> (In any case, I think I am a better translator than Google for French ⇒
> English.)
> (And thanks for your previous replies to my request; I finally chose
> another manual.)

> Sylvain

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