On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Chris Nighswonger <
cnighswon...@foundations.edu> wrote:

> I double checked and .Inline and friends have correct perms. Clearing
> everything below .Inline shows that the module is rebuilt as expected on
> the next call to the CGI.
> I've tried BUILD_NOISY and the other Inline switches which would seem to
> be helpful for debug, but with little success at obtaining useful
> information. I'm guessing some of that may be largely dependent upon how
> the author of Inline::Python has implemented them.
> It seems there should be some way to convince inline::Python to fess up to
> any errors it is encountering along the way.

Perhaps I should mention this as well:

The CGI scripts executed by miniserv.pl via an eval of a code block which
sets up the environment and calls up the actual CGI via 'do.' See
https://github.com/webmin/webmin/blob/master/miniserv.pl#L2337 for the
exact code.

I suspected the forced package change on line 2339 might be causing some
scoping problems or some such, so I did this:

root@biblios:/usr/share/webmin/pykota (0.02_pre_alpha *)# perl -e 'package
pyktoa; do "PyKotaConfig.cgi"; die $@ if ($@);'

And get this:

Can't locate object method "new" via package "PykotaConfig" (perhaps you
forgot to load "PykotaConfig"?) at PyKotaConfig.cgi line 33.

This is exactly the same error I receive when running the same script as
CGI. BUT... commenting out line 2339 in miniserve.pl did not fix the
problem. So I suspect there is more to it than that.

Kind Regards,

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