On 7/2/2015 4:42 PM, Igor Mironchik wrote:

Ok, Xamarin is cheaper than Qt. But with Xamarin and C# you can write crosspaltform only business logic. All UI is platform dependend and you should write UI for iOS, UI for Android, and so on. With Qt you can write once and deploy everywhere...

I would rather say that while Xamarin tries to be more like a C# binding for the platforms, whereas Qt tries to abstract away native APIs via Qt APIs. In my experience, Qt UIs are not that portable either, the advantage rather being in the number of supported platforms, the cleaner QML syntax, better performance and (L)GPL availability. Xamarin's advantage is that you have all the APIs available to you essentially from day 1 of any SDK release (!), you don't need to wait for the next (couple of) Qt releases for a back-end to appear.

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