So here is what I have:

struct __attribute__((packed)) HackedHandlePasser {
         using HANDLE32 = std::int32_t;

         DWORD    NumberOfHandles = 3; // 4 Byte
         BYTE     FlagsPerHandle[3];   // 3 * 1 Byte
         HANDLE32 Handles[3];          // 3 * 4 Byte

      static_assert(sizeof(HackedHandlePasser) == 19);
      HackedHandlePasser handles;

      #ifndef FOPEN
#define FOPEN 0x01
      #ifndef FDEV
#define FDEV 0x40

      handles.FlagsPerHandle[0] = 0;
      std::memset(&handles.FlagsPerHandle[1], FOPEN | FDEV, 2);

      const HANDLE invalid = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
      std::memcpy(&handles.Handles[0], &invalid, 4);
      std::memcpy(&handles.Handles[1], &pipe.Write, 4);
      std::memcpy(&handles.Handles[2], &pipe.Write, 4);

      startInf.cbReserved2 = sizeof(HackedHandlePasser);
      startInf.lpReserved2 = reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(&handles);

Some explanations:
* I have the HANDLE32 because I start a 32 bit application from within a 64 bit, as far as I understood the structure needs the right HANDLE size, thus for a 64 bit application it should be std:int64_t, but since I don't need that I never tested it.
* In cbReserved2 there is the size of the data in lpReserved2.
* The data in lpReserved2 starts with 2 bytes which indicate how many handles are passed to the spawned process (they may be INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE). Followed by one byte per handle with the opened flags - and here comes the trick: If it has the flag FDEV the ms runtime printf assumes it writes to a console and thus flushes. And then followed by the handles. * My use case needs only stdout (and I also open stderr, in my case to the same handle), these are the handles number 1 and 2. Number 0 would be stdin.

So when using it with QProcess I think one should copy the handles from the STARTUPINFOW structure into this struct, then I think the normal QIODevice interface should keep working. If one should clear the STARTF_USESTDHANDLES flag I also don't know. I stopped my experiments when I achieved success for my "simple" use case.

Let me know what works for you.

And last but not least some sources: which apparently now also has a C/C++ answer, when I needed it there was only the python code. does use the fields for some other stuff, but explains a bit of background. One if the involved files to handle the input.

Kind Regards,
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