That's right. It depends on the runtime, but I have not seen a process which uses not a Microsoft provided runtime (of course I didn't check all the programs I used).

And that's all I've found. It serves my purposes to the fullest.

From the code I reviewed back then (and remember it now) it unpacks the handles directly to a HANDLE, which is pointer size (although it only uses the lower 32 bit). But Scott will tell us what the field width has to be for a 64 bit process.

Am 07.03.2023 um 23:06 schrieb Thiago Macieira:
[quoting out of order]

On Tuesday, 7 March 2023 12:57:59 PST Björn Schäpers wrote:
        startInf.cbReserved2 = sizeof(HackedHandlePasser);
        startInf.lpReserved2 = reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(&handles);
These reserved fields are how the runtimes "pass file descriptors" to child
processes. This mimics the Unix fork() behaviour that the parent's open file
descriptors are available in the child, without implementing the full fork()
behaviour. The fields are undocumented (AFAIK) but since both msvcrt and ucrt
depend on the specific behaviours, they can't change.

That includes these bit fields for flags:

        #ifndef FOPEN
#define FOPEN 0x01
        #ifndef FDEV
#define FDEV 0x40
handles.FlagsPerHandle[0] = 0;
        std::memset(&handles.FlagsPerHandle[1], FOPEN | FDEV, 2);
According to the UCRT source code, the FDEV flag controls whether the standard
streams will be buffered or not. The UCRT implementation of isatty() is a check
to see if this flag is set.

The UCRT source code isn't complete (ucrtbase isn't included AFAICS), so I
couldn't find all details when trying to give you a more specific answer.

* I have the HANDLE32 because I start a 32 bit application from within a 64
bit, as far as I understood the structure needs the right HANDLE size, thus
for a 64 bit application it should be std:int64_t, but since I don't need
that I never tested it.
The parent process wouldn't know whether the child is 32-bit or not, so I
imagine the size must be fixed at 32 bits in order to be inheritable. If you
have MSVC, you have access to the UCRT source code too and you can search for
those two reserved fields to see if they hardcode to 32-bit or pointer sizes.

So when using it with QProcess I think one should copy the handles from the
STARTUPINFOW structure into this struct, then I think the normal QIODevice
interface should keep working. If one should clear the STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
flag I also don't know. I stopped my experiments when I achieved success
for my "simple" use case.
QProcess uses CreateProcessW directly, not the _spawnv* CRT family of
functions, which is why file descriptors aren't usually inherited via QProcess.
I don't know either whether the STARTF_USESTDHANDLES flag must be cleared
because they're handled at separate times.

If this flag is passed, then the three handles in STARTUPINFO[1] are passed to
the child as its default handles, by the Win32 call itself. That means those
handles are installed in the child before the runtime gets a chance to
initialise and read the file descriptor table passed in those reserved fields.
Whether the runtime overwrites the standard file descriptors or not, I couldn't
find in the UCRT sources.

And for the same reason, I can't tell either how the FDEV flag is set for the
standard file descriptors from outside the file descriptor table.

Moreover, please note that this is *runtime* -driven behaviour, not OS-
mandated. So it's entirely possible that this executable that Scott wants to
run operates differently because it uses a weird runtime. (Strictly speaking,
it's the same on Unix systems, but all libcs have the same behaviour)


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