On Tuesday, 7 March 2023 18:18:53 PDT Scott Bloom wrote:
> I really want to thank Björn
> With his starting point, I was able to tweak his changes, and seem to have
> it working 😊 I have more testing to do. But it was actually pretty
> straight forward.
> * I use VS (2022) so the packing was different
>         __attribute__((packed)) became  __pragma( pack( push, 1 ) ) struct
> HackedHandlePasser * The handles are 64 bit in the existing Startup Info,
> so I kept them as such, which changed the definition of HANDLE32 using
> HANDLE32 = std::int32_t; was removed, and the standard HANDLE defined in
> windows.h was used * The static assert was updated to reflect this
> * I copy all 3 handles from the existing startupinfo
>        std::memcpy(&handles.Handles[0], &invalid, 4);
>        std::memcpy(&handles.Handles[1], &pipe.Write, 4);
>        std::memcpy(&handles.Handles[2], &pipe.Write, 4);
>        became
>         std::memcpy( &handles.Handles[ 0 ], &args->startupInfo->hStdInput,
> sizeof( HANDLE ) ); std::memcpy( &handles.Handles[ 1 ],
> &args->startupInfo->hStdOutput, sizeof( HANDLE ) ); std::memcpy(
> &handles.Handles[ 2 ], &args->startupInfo->hStdError, sizeof( HANDLE ) );

I'm trying to add this to QProcess but it's not behaving as expected on 


Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Cloud Software Architect - Intel DCAI Cloud Engineering

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