
In the message below, I forgot to specify I tentatively translated the
sentence by:

Cet appareil doit impérativement être installé par un électricien qualifié
qui puisse justifier d¹une expérience spécifique dans le domaine des
dispositifs de contrôle anti-combustion.


Dear all,

I know, I am very demanding these days, and I haven't yet taken the time to
thank everybody for their help, but I promise to do it. I am utterly
confused by the sentence below, and I was wondering if anybody might clarify
the expression between **: 

This equipment must be installed by a licensed electrician who is
experienced with *combustion safeguard control systems*. 

(The equipment in question is an air flow interlocking safety switch)

Many many thanks.


PS: Deadline is Thursday 10 at noon, Pacific Time.

Sonia Murray, French Translator
phone: +1 415 379 9277
fax: +1 415 379 9804

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