dhamwey wrote:
> How do it manage my log and chart files so they do not build up in the 
> folders?

Retention policies, as Debbie mentioned, are how you do this.  But the first 
four columns - for original, 5-minute, hourly and daily samples - do not 
control IM's chart files; they affect how long data of each resolution is kept 
in the external database, if you're using it.

The last setting - 'chart data' - is what controls data collection on the 
server.  By setting that to 'None' you tell IM to stop collecting data for any 
dataset using that policy.

You don't need to mess with policy rules at all, though, since we provide a 
built-in policy called 'None' that tells IM not to collect anything for a 
particular dataset.  Open a map, switch from map/list view to dataset view, 
then select all devices and hit space to check all their boxes.  In the right 
pane you'll see a list of all datasets for those devices, and what policies 
they're using.  If there's anything you no longer want to collect, set it to 

David Schnur
Development Lead

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