The storage, just like $_SESSION can be any of the pre-defined settings (mm, files or SQLite (php5)) or "user" and can then be stored in a database or whatever system the user wants. (This would indeed mean that an application_set_save_handler() will also need to be there)

I think that the $_APPLICATION variables should have exactly the same life expectancy and garbage collection as $_SESSION variables currently do, though they should be set independantly. Just as with $_SESSION you can have more control by using your own "user" method to store the data.

- Davey

Jeremy S. Johnstone wrote:

I noticed something which you said, and forgive me if this part may be
obvious, but you mentioned across instances of applications? Do you mean
something like a shared memory between all web connections to the
server? One issue I could forsee if this is the case, what happens when
there is no connections to the server for an extended period of time
(extended being even as short as a few minutes)? Should PHP store this
superglobal's value indefinitely, or perform some type of garbage
collection? If PHP should clean up after itself, what criteria would you
expect to be followed for deciding if something is no longer useful? I
don't think you would want this criteria configurable in a ini setting
for example, because hosting companies all do something different. If a
developer were to use this feature, they would need a standardized
timeframe that the values would last. This is just a couple things I
think would need to be considered before implementing something like
this. If I am way out in left field, I apologize.


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