Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:

On August 7, 2003 04:35 pm, Davey wrote:

You've hit the nail on the head! By literally copying and pasting the
$_SESSION code over, s/_SESSION/_APPLICATION and forcing the SID to be a
certain thing, you pretty much implement what I want. The reasons you
cannot just wrap $_SESSION and force a SESSION SID is if you want
SESSION vars *and* APPLICATION vars in the same script, you'll run into
problems... cause you cannot run simulatenous sessions and you certainly
cannot switch when you write to a different var.

I do not believe that such a functionality is required in the core of PHP. This maybe a very useful PECL extension if you are willing to write it. However, I'd consider using existing utilities like SRM, which does not seem to be so much of an overkill.


I agree this is perhaps not something required in the core, however, I think once it is released as a PECL package, its inclusion into the core should at least be evaluated :)

As I mentioned before, my C/C++ knowledge is null and void, so I am merely making the suggestions from an end user POV to see if anyone would be interested in implementing it... after the dust has settled here over the idea, it will probably be best to approach the PECL people (more) directly and ask someone to implement it.

- Davey

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