> From: Hartmut Holzgraefe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 4:03 PM
> Pierre-Alain Joye wrote:
> > And except StudlyCaps is ugly and foo_bar is modern, any realistic
> > and objective pros to keep foo_bar?....
> readability

I dont find it unreadable.
Anyways this is not a point you can argue about .. you could make a poll
about it ..

So people began using studlyCaps because underscores weren't handled by the
language (that is what people here have said anyways). Whatever the reason
it might make sense to stop and think for a second what we envision to be to
primary type of OO APIs we will have to deal with. There are a number of
APIs that are simple wrappers around other OO APIs and then there are those
that we create ourselves.

I think it makes sense to try and keep the APIs as consistent as possible.
As all parties seem to agree DOM should be studlyCaps. So what about other
OO APIs will we wrap? What are we most likely going to encounter ..
studlyCaps or not?

Then there is the question of the ratio of APIs we wrap and APIs we define
ourselves. This should also affect our decision of if we can be more
"modern" or have to accept the realities of the outside world (whatever they
may be). Alternative we can say that the realities of the outside world
don't matter to use in this case, because after all we strive to be better
with PHP than the rest of the world. So maybe it is worth breaking with the
rest of the world. Maybe it is worth trying to stay as compatible as

Then there is the issue BC, or acknowledging PHPs history. On the one side
we have a standard for procedural PHP code and very few OO code already out
there. On the other we have a clear dominance (again I don't have
statistical data to backup this claim) of studylCaps in userland OO PHP

So please let us go at this without this what is more "modern" approach. Let
us remind ourselves that PHP is a glue language. But also let us remind
ourselves that PHP aims to be better than the rest. Finally everybody that
talks about how the OO API should be step back and think if they actually
intent to write OO PHP code and if it could be that they are fighting for
the look of something they will never use anyways.


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