> Well, as (hopefully) a last post from me in this thread, the fact is the
> "UglyCaps" is widely used, with PHP and others OO langages. The fact
> is that is somehow a de facto standard and ease our life to
> bind/port/extend/whatever existing codes/applications/libraries using
> php.

    Look, my stance is this.  We don't need to repeat the
    mistakes of others for our own APIs.  Which means I object to
    the suggestion that studlyCaps ever become a recommendation
    for creating new APIs in PHP (regardless of whether it is a
    function or method name).  This however leaves the door open
    for people writing bindings to choose either way.

> And except StudlyCaps is ugly and foo_bar is modern, any realistic
> and objective pros to keep foo_bar?....

    This is all about readability.

    Both studlyCaps and foo_bar try to preserve word separation.
    studlyCaps stems from the time where one could not use
    non-alphanumerical characters for achieving that job.  So,
    because they had no better tools, the users agreed to
    uppercase the first letter of a word to signal the beginning
    of a new word.

    However, since then tools have evolved to the point where
    the word boundary can actually be signalled by other
    characters.  Which means that users have more choices now.

    And considering the options, I choose the one which is easier
    to read.



    - Sascha

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