Hello John,

Tuesday, March 23, 2004, 9:05:51 PM, you wrote:

> On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 12:58, Georg Richter wrote:
>> Sure, your book isn't ready yet. Would be interesting to know your opinion if
>> it would be printed already. 

> Then I really wouldn't care. In either case, this entire thread is
> getting completely pointless. I don't care if studlyCaps or
> underscore_methods are used or not, I'd just like to see it be one or
> the other. Since everyone seems to have a major problem changing SQLite
> and MySQLi, perhaps for good reason -- what about just changing ext/tidy
> back to underscore_methods? At least then we'd be consistent, and
> probably wouldn't have as much of a negative impact as changing the
> database extensions would.

I already changed SQLite because as far as i know there were only two
extensions left which didn't follow studlyCaps convention which we agreed
upon twice so far - even though ppl pretend we hadn't. The only other
extension i spotted so far not following studlyCaps is ming - and that at
least doesn't use dashes and is still experimental. And to say it again, i
bet only a handful of ppl are using mysqli's oo api right now but many ppl
use things like __toString() already.

Best regards,
 Marcus                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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