On 28 Mar 2004 at 1:20, Lukas Smith wrote:

> Hi,
> ok since I have seen a few arguments reoccuring I have decided to 
make a 
> list of all arguments brought forth. Its in no way a judgement on 
> argument listed, nor does it list the arguments in any particular 
> Therefore, the first one to tell me to remove something because 
> argument is bogus will have to buy me a "kiba" (cherry-banana 
juice; fyi 
> cherry means kirsche in german) next time we meet. This list is 
just to 
> keep track of the arguments made, however stupid they may be in 
the hope 
> that we dont have to hear it again.
> The list can be found here:
> If you think the file name is stupid so be it :-)
> Anyways I have heard reports of people having issues to reach my 
host. I 
> hope my sys admin will address this issue promptly in case it 
> I am sorry for any possible inconvinience.
> Maybe we also need to make a list of all votes, especially 
> the internals developers from the rest as it seems there was also 
> argument what side really had the most votes?
> regards,
> Lukas

You're a hot candidate for the next Nobel Prize of Peace :-)

We should really close the discussion now. Either way we go is 
wrong - it's time to compromise.

Therefore I vote for consistency and StudlyCaps. Personally I would 
prefer underscores but the arguments for StudlyCaps really are 

Ferdinand Beyer

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