At 02:41 28/03/2004, Robert Cummings wrote:
Don't take this personally please. My voice doesn't count for much on
this list but I do generally read most of the posts. I watched with
interest last year when this thing first became an issue, and now I
think the whole issue has become retarded. It's like watching a pathetic
government debate unfold with for the second time after a consensus was
already realized. I think the couple of rogue developers who are against
StudlyCaps should suck it in, get with the program, and next time read
the mailing lists when they get back from supposed holiday. I mean
really, how could the previous StudlyCaps debate have been missed? Were
they on holiday for a month? Personally I have a gut feeling some people
just chose not to make the move to StudlyCaps with the hope that if they
waited long enough (something like after RC1) then they could profess
"it's too damn late to make the change". Seriously, I think PHP could
only benefit from the consistency now rather than later. With a major
version release I think this is more true than at any other time.

Very well put. +1 for consistency and going all the way with StudlyCaps from me.


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