> On Jan 24, 2020, at 14:27, Mike Schinkel <m...@newclarity.net> wrote:
> Thus far we have discussed that implementation of type checking for arrays 
> would be too costly from a performance perspective and that there is no good 
> solution that is not extremely complicated to implement.
> Given that, can we consider an alternative?  
> ALLOW the use of a syntax for typed arrays — whether it be type[] or [type] — 
> but only validate that it is an array and that the "type" is in fact a type, 
> but don't actually validate that each element is the correct type. 
> This would allow those of us who want to start documenting specific usage 
> using type hints to be able to do so instead of what we currently have to do 
> is PHPDoc one way and type hint with "array."  It would also allow IDEs like 
> PhpStorm to add support.  
> Is this something the PHP community would consider?
> -Mike

My opinion is that if you're going to declare the type of a variable, you have 
to have some way of enforcing that the type _really_ is what you say it is. 
Otherwise, the type information is basically a lie, and you're much better off 
without it. If PHP's type system can't or won't enforce the type fully as 
declared, then it's much better to have phpdocs that assert what the type 
"really" is, like we do now. 

I have some ideas on what might be reasonably performant array type 
enforcement, but having not fully read the thread, I'll keep that to myself 
until I have a chance to see that I have anything that's actually novel.


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