Hi Rowan,

I apologize in advance for the length of this email. I hate reading 
walls-of-text, but the answers are necessarily long. I have tried to break it 
up into bullets where possible for easier reading.

> On Feb 15, 2020, at 19:37, Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15 February 2020 20:10:30 GMT+00:00, "Paul M. Jones" <pmjo...@pmjones.io> 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>> On Feb 15, 2020, at 02:01, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> ... is this proposal intended to supplant HttpFoundation and PSR-7
>>> ... ?
>> This is question is answered in the RFC introduction
> You've cut Larry's question in half there, and in doing so made it seem like 
> a repeat, when it is not. The second half of the sentence is this:
>> ...or to become a common underpinning that both of them wrap, or to be a 
>> third cohabitating implementation in the ecosystem?
> I haven't seen you answer that part yet: do you expect existing userland 
> libraries to migrate from wrapping $_GET etc to using these built-in 
> wrappers. If so, what benefit does it bring those libraries? If not, who is 
> its intended audience?

I really did think the answers to these were obvious, or easily-inferred, but 
obviously I was wrong. I will attempt to expand.

Q: "Do you expect existing userland libraries to migrate ... ?"

A: To be clear, I don't *expect* anything from existing published library 
authors; however ...

  - I *suspect* that some will choose to ignore this extension,

  - that others will decorate or extend it,

  - and that still others may find their own work so close to this extension 
that they migrate over to it entirely.

Further ...

  - I suspect that developers of in-house unpublished request/response objects 
may find this useful for their own purposes,

  - and that developers who are using $_GET, header(), etc. will be pleased to 
find an OO-ish system that operates much like PHP itself already does, easing 
their transition away from global state.

Finally ...

  - I suspect that some *consumers* of existing libraries will feel this 
extension is not their preferred way of working, and continue on with whatever 
libraries they already use,

  - while other consumers of those libraries will prefer this extension in 
their place.

On reading over this, I suppose I do have an "expectation" of library authors 
and their consumers: that as good engineers they will evaluate this extension 
in reference to their own circumstances, and choose to use it (or not use it) 
based on the tradeoffs they find for their situation.

Q: "What benefit does it bring those libraries?"

A: Whatever benefits their authors happen to see in it. For myself, and as 
noted by Jan Schneider and others, those benefits center around having a 
built-in OO-ish request/response object set that does pretty much just what PHP 
itself already does, and that is well-suited to our daily work, without needing 
to incorporate comparatively large libraries into our projects for what we 
consider to be relatively simple purposes -- those purposes being "reading the 
request inputs" and "sending the response outputs".

Q: "Who is its intended audience?"

A: I always thought of the "intended audience" as the much the same as for any 
RFC: that is, developers working on a website who want PHP to provide a 
reasonable set of functionality for doing so, request/response objects being 
part of that set in a language as closely related to the web as PHP is.

(As a fun side note: for all its apparent simplicity, this is an extraordinary 
question. Unless I have missed something, I don't recall it being asked 
directly of any RFC before. A Google search against wiki.php.net and 
externals.io reveals a double-handful of results on the terms "intended 
audience" and "target audience", but the only even indirect question about it 
on an RFC is in relation to the JIT, here: 
<https://externals.io/message/103903#103995> -- and it's by you. :-)

* * *

Rowan, you quoted Larry asking if this extension was ...

>> to be a third cohabitating implementation in the ecosystem?

... that is, third after HttpFoundation and PSR-7.

(By way of preamble, and to reiterate what I've said before: I would prefer to 
discuss this RFC on its own terms. But, as you and others want some discussion 
in context of other projects, I will do so. My apologies if I sound negative or 
critical toward those projects.)

It turns out the question is kind of a funny way of describing the situation, 
in that PSR-7 is not an implementation of anything. (Full disclosure: I was a 
sponsor on the PSR-7 proposal.)

PSR-7 is instead a set of interfaces; that is, they "are abstractions around 
HTTP messages and the elements composing them."  
<https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/>  The meta document notes, "the goal of 
this proposal is not to obsolete the current interfaces utilized by existing 
PHP libraries. This proposal is aimed at interoperability between PHP packages 
for the purpose of describing HTTP messages." 

So, to refer to PSR-7 as a "cohabiting implementation" is a bit mistaken (but a 
very easy mistake to make -- I imagine I have made it myself occasionally).

If we are going to talk about implementations in an ecosystem, then, there are 
at least four for PSR-7:

- Cake
- Guzzle
- Slim
- Zend/Laminas

There are others as well, with varying ranges of adoption; and, as PSR-7 is an 
interoperability specification, I predict there will be more implementations 

The above implementations are partially but not always fully interchangeable; 
while they adhere to the PSR-7 method interfaces, they each have their own 
behavioral idiosyncrasies. In some cases they offer additional methods and 
behaviors that the others do not have. (This is not a criticism, merely an 

Thus, if one wishes to speak in terms of "cohabiting implementations", 
ext/request would have to be counted as one of at least six (i.e., itself, 
HttpFoundation, and the above four).

I don't know if that strengthens or weakens the ext/request case, but it does 
help to clarify the world in which it exists.

* * *

Rowan, you wrote:

> You said previously:
>> PDO did not (to my knowledge) "add capabilities which cannot exist in 
>> userland or cannot exist in a reasonably performant way".
> I think this is a misjudgement, and a relevant one. PDO didn't take 
> functionality that existed purely in userland and migrate it to an extension; 
> it took functionality that was scattered across a dozen different 
> vendor-specific extensions with different naming and calling conventions, and 
> centralised it into one more-or-less consistent interface. In doing so, it 
> made (or at least tried to make) life easier both for database vendors, who 
> can provide a PDO driver and fit into the ecosystem, and library developers, 
> who can use PDO as a base and have less vendor-specific code.

That is one valid way of looking at it; but then, on exactly the same terms, it 
is likewise valid to say that AdoDB "took functionality that was scattered 
across a dozen different vendor-specific extensions with different naming and 
calling conventions, and centralised it into one more-or-less consistent 
interface." So did PEAR DB, Metabase, MDB, and so on. PDO did it as an 
extension, instead of in userland, but the goals and outcomes noted were 

I find this more confirmatory than not regarding my earlier counter-argument; 
i.e., that (in hindsight) objections based on the existence and availability of 
userland projects would not themselves have been a barrier to PDO, and so 
should not themselves be a barrier to this RFC.

> Your other examples - date, phar, and session - took common problems that 
> were possible to solve in userland but tricky to solve well, and provided a 
> standard out-of-the-box implementation.
> We already have a unified out-of-the-box implementation for the problem "get 
> data out of HTTP request", in the form of superglobals, so neither comparison 
> seems apt.

Perhaps; working by analogy is always a difficult and imperfect task.

> A better comparison might be to features which have been reimplemented 
> multiple times, to fix fundamental problems. A recent example is __serialize, 
> but interestingly $_GET et al are themselves the third implementation of the 
> feature, after "register globals" and the $HTTP_* arrays.
> As far as I can see, the RFC mentions two things it fixes about the current 
> implementation:
> - The current implementation is not OO. That's not really surprising, since 
> PHP is not a purely OO language, and treats OO as a matter of style - to the 
> extent of providing hybrid object-procedural APIs like date and mysqli.

"As a matter of style" is a good line! In support of that line, this RFC does 
not seek to remove $_GET and the response-related functions, but rather to 
provide an additional OO-ish approach that honors the existing (as you say, the 
third-time's-the-charm) language-level approaches.

FWIW, I had considered mentioning the dual OO+procedural APIs of mysqli, date, 
etc. but it seemed too much in an already-long RFC; I'm glad you brought it up, 
as I did have it in mind.

> - The current implementation is based on global state. This is definitely 
> something that would be good to fix, but you can do almost as much in that 
> direction as the RFC by writing "$get=$_GET; unset($_GET);" The hard problem 
> is that the entry point for a request is in global scope, not a main() or 
> handleRequest() function. 

Another "hard" problem is carrying those values around in the system once they 
are decoupled from global state; the objects in this RFC purport to do so.

> Introducing these objects as part of a new calling convention for PHP scripts 
> would definitely add value, and make them a true replacement for the 
> superglobals, but that would be a very different RFC.

That does seem rather ambitious. If you feel that's a valuable thing to add to 
PHP, perhaps it could be part of a future RFC, maybe even one that uses the 
objects in this RFC as a starting point.

* * *

Again, my apologies for the wall-of-text. Please let me know if you find those 
answers are sufficient or not.

Paul M. Jones

Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP

Solving the N+1 Problem in PHP

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