Hi Rowan,

> On Feb 24, 2020, at 15:47, Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I left this thread to settle a bit, because I felt we were going round in 
> circles a bit. I think there's some fundamental differences in outlook that 
> no amount of discussion is going to resolve, so I've trimmed this reply to 
> the more specific points.

I appreciate you taking the trouble; thanks.

>> Which is the purpose of the documentation; it describes the differences 
>> between $files and $uploads.
> That's no reason not to *try* for descriptive names, though. I presume the 
> idea is that one array is expected to be more useful for new code, and the 
> other is mostly there for compatibility with old code? If so, perhaps the 
> names could reflect that somehow.

Your presumption is correct! And your point on trying for better names is 
well-taken -- though I think these are "expected" names, based on my research 
into existing implementations. The most-common names are ...

- the word "files" for unparsed or unmodified $_FILES values, leading me to 
think $files is well-understood

- the words "upload(s)", "fileUpload(s)", or "uploadedFile(s)" for parsed, 
transformed, or restructured $_FILES values, leading me to think $uploads is 

And the current users of the 1.x version have not reported confusion or trouble 
with the names as they are.

Having said that, I am open to suggestion here. What names do you think would 
be better than the ones presented, contra pre-existing work from other authors?

> Incidentally, the current documentation doesn't describe the differences 
> particularly well, just saying one is "more like $_POST". Some details of the 
> structure, or examples comparing the two arrays, would be useful.

Good call! On your suggestion, I have added details at 
<https://github.com/pmjones/ext-request#the-uploads-array>.  Suggestions for 
improvement are welcome.

>>> I was actually thinking of the opposite: given a request body which didn't 
>>> come from global state, but which contains data in multipart/form-data 
>>> format, extract the key-value pairs and attached files.
>> Is that something PHP "itself" already does? If not, I have to consider it 
>> out-of-scope for this RFC.
> a) Yes: Every time you submit a form as multipart/form-data, PHP parses it 
> into the global state. If this object is aiming to abstract away from global 
> state, then having a non-global-state parser for that seems consistent.
> b) No: There is no function which currently takes a string and returns an 
> array for this scenario. However, that's true of other features you have 
> included, such as parsing accept headers, or even extracting just HTTP 
> headers from a copy of the $_SERVER array.

Quite a lot packed into four sentences; I'll try to address all of it.

- First off, "yes and no" is a great answer, the most-accurate one possible. It 
highlights what I'm getting at: PHP transforms the content body into $_POST 
under some circumstances but not others. The RFC proposes to honor that 
existing PHP behavior.

- "If this object is aiming to abstract away from global state" -- well, global 
*mutable* state, anyway, per our last exchange (and noted again below).

- "There is no function which currently takes a string and returns an array for 
this scenario." -- True, though (and not to undermine my own case) there is 
json_decode(), which can return an array. But then the trouble is how to decide 
when to apply it, and with what parameters, and how to trap & report errors, 
etc., all of which adds complexity to what I think ought to be a simple object. 
And then once special treatment is given to JSON, what about XML? Etc., etc. 
Given all that, it strikes me that the cases not already served by PHP for 
parsing the body content into $_POST are best left to consumers of 

- "However, that's true of other features you have included" -- also true, 
though those are informed by research into existing implementations, and 
provide what appear to be commonly- or frequently-needed values and structures. 
(You may opine this is contradictory, in which case I will respond as Whitman: 
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large, I 
contain multitudes." ;-)

>> Your point on global state is well-taken; I will try to remember in future 
>> to phrase it as "global *mutable* state." (AFAICT, php://input is not 
>> mutable, though as you correctly point out, it is global.)
> This distinction seems unnecessary. Once created, the object avoids global 
> state because it is self-contained, and the fact that it's read-only is a 
> separate attribute. We're really just talking about ways to construct that 
> self-contained state, and "everything from global state" or "nothing from 
> global state" seem like more natural options than "one thing from global 
> state, everything else not".

I agree that the default $content value is an exception to everything else in 
ServerRequest. While it stays read-only, it does get read from php://input each 
time you refer to it.

The alternative is to read from php://input once at construction time (when the 
construct $content argument is null) and retain that value in $content from the 
start. But in that case, when you have very large content bodies (as when there 
are PUT file uploads or other large payloads), then ServerRequest takes up a 
lot of memory, when it might not ever be used directly. Yes, "it might never be 
used" could be true of every element on ServerRequest, but the maximum memory 
use for those other elements tends to be rather smaller.

In the end, letting $content read from php://input on the fly is a reasonable 
tradeoff; an exception that tests the rule, if you will.

Over to you!

Paul M. Jones

Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP

Solving the N+1 Problem in PHP

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