Hi Dan,

Thanks for taking the time to bring up your concerns. While I don't expect to 
change your mind (nice though that would be!) perhaps other readers here will 
find my counter-positions useful.

> On Mar 3, 2020, at 16:58, Dan Ackroyd <dan...@basereality.com> wrote:
> Paul M. Jones <pmjo...@pmjones.io> wrote:
>> Are there any members here who currently expect to vote "no",
> The only reason for doing this as C code appears to be make it have
> read-only properties.

Not the *only* reason, though it's true that it would be 
difficult-to-impossible to do outside of C. As Rowan mentioned earlier, and as 
I opined in an unpublished version of the RFC, one other reason would be to 
provide a language-level OO-ish representation of PHP functions, similar to 
what ext/mysqli and ext/date do.

> This is a hack

I dispute the word "hack" -- a readonly feature is requested here from time to 
time -- though I do understand that it is an uncommon approach.

> that would confuse a lot of developers

I think you're right that it might confuse some developers, but I also opine 
that just as many or more would "get it" either right away or very quickly.

> and instantly be added to most lists of "how PHP is bad".

Adding one point to the many thousands that already exist on such 
ill-considered lists, so not much of a change there. ;-)

> Tying this into core means that:
> - BC breaking changes could only happen on major versions.
> - Discussion of those changes would take up a lot of time, or more
> likely never happen. See all of our core extensions that are
> desperately in need of a maintainer to work on them.
> - It might be impossible (or at least annoyingly difficult) to write
> code that was compatible with two versions of PHP, if they used this
> ...
> For stuff to be added to core, to overcome the burden of supporting in
> the future, there needs to be a strong reason to add it. Not just
> something that could be done.

All of your points are completely true. In fact, they are true for every RFC 
presented on this list; past, present, and future. So while you're correct, I 
have a hard time seeing it as a criticism specific to this proposal. (I'd be 
happy to see refinement of your points toward more specificity, if feel so 

Having said that, I'll present a past example that may tie it more specifically 
to this RFC. The Same Site Cookie proposal 
<https://wiki.php.net/rfc/same-site-cookie> hits around the points you mention: 
a change to long-standing behavior that might have entailed a BC break, 
discussion of that change, and code compatibility. All of those were managed 
quite successfully and in a reasonable timeframe. And although you voted 
against that proposal, it did pass, and has turned out to be pretty good; I 
imagine the same kind of change-success, if it is ever needed after adoption, 
is just as likely for this RFC as well.

> As you were involved and so know, a huge amount of energy was spent
> designing PSR-7, and still it was definitely not a perfect design. The
> chances of the design of this API being even as close as PSR-7 was,
> seems minimal.

I know you're not especially a fan of PSR-7 
<http://basereality.com/blog/17/PSR7_and_airing_of_grievances> so arguing in 
its defense, against interest, is laudable. Good form!

But your phrasing about this RFC "being even as close as PSR-7 was" raises the 
question: "as close" to what?

The PSR-7 interfaces, and their many differing implementations, attempt to 
model HTTP messages as immutable objects. Indeed, the PSR-7 design process 
ended up discounting and discarding all pre-existing ways-of-working in PHP 
land, to the point of ignoring all previous implementations in the FIG member 
projects and elsewhere. Instead, PSR-7 declared "year zero" and presented an 
entirely new way of working that was completely different from and unrelated to 
anything else in PHP-land at that time. (For a brief history of the PSR-7 
design evolution, see the first few slides of my talk on PSR-7 and ADR at 
<http://paul-m-jones.com/talks/psr7adr.pdf>.) Among other things, that meant 
there was no applicable real-world experience as to how well PSR-7 would work 
in the mid-to-long term.

That historical context may make it easier to see why "a huge amount of energy 
was spent designing PSR-7", while resulting in something that was "definitely 
not a perfect design", in order to get close to a model of HTTP messages.

This RFC, in contrast, does not attempt to model HTTP messages. It does not 
attempt to discard previous ways of working. Instead, it proposes a more 
object-oriented representation of functionality that already exists in PHP, 
honoring that previously-existing approach. There is quite a bit of real-world 
experience as to how well it will work, since it takes into account many 
commonalities between existing userland projects. Thus, what the RFC purports 
to get close to is that existing way-of-working, and I think it succeeds about 
as well as can be possible for its goals.

> In case anyone is interested, there is a book called 'Systemantics'
> that's actually quite applicable to open source projects....despite
> being written before personal computers were really a thing:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemantics#First_principles
> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Systems-Bible-Beginners-Guide-Large/dp/0961825170/ref

I will add this to my reading backlog; thanks for the recommendation!

Paul M. Jones

Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP

Solving the N+1 Problem in PHP

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