Hi all,

> On Mar 11, 2020, at 11:36, Paul M. Jones <pmjo...@pmjones.io> wrote:
> Conversation on this RFC seems to have diminished. As far as I know, I have 
> answered all criticisms/concerns/complaints one way or another.

FWIW, I have updated the Q&A points based on new discussion over the past day 
or so. The updated points are:

Q: The proposal compares and contrasts with HttpFoundation and the various 
PSR-7 implementations; how does it compare to other projects?

A: See this message for a starting point: 
https://externals.io/message/108436#108889. In short, the proposed 
functionality is representative of functionality common to the dozen-plus 
researched projects.

Q: Are these global single-instance objects?

A: No, you can create as many instances as you like, in whatever scopes you 

Q: Do these objects replace the superglobals?

A: No.

Q: Do these objects deal with $_SESSION and the session functions?

A: No; it is explicitly out of scope for this RFC.

Q: Readonly properties are unusual for PHP.

A: Granted, though not unheard of. PdoStatement::$queryString is one precedent 
here. Further, of the researched userland projects, more than half of them 
present the relevant superglobals as nominally readonly in the public scope, 
making readonly access a reasonable choice here.

Q: Why is ServerRequest readonly, and ServerResponse mutable?

A: It makes sense that you would not want to change what you have received as a 
request; however, as you are in charge of creating the response, modifying it 
as needed seems reasonable. Further, the “readonly request with mutable 
response” matches half or more of the researched userland projects.

Q: What would a migration path look like?

A: Something like the one outlined in the later portion of this message: 

Paul M. Jones

Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP

Solving the N+1 Problem in PHP

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