Hi internals,

I'd just like to add that 
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/trailing_comma_in_parameter_list seems useful,
especially now that PSR-12 is approved and 
https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-12/#45-method-and-function-arguments recommends 
"When the argument list is split across multiple lines, the closing parenthesis 
and opening brace MUST be placed together on their own line with one space 
between them."
(Previously, I don't think there was any attempt at standardizing a 
recommendation of where the closing parenthesis should go)

class ClassName
    public function aVeryLongMethodName(
        ClassTypeHint $arg1,
        array $arg3 = []  // comma would be useful here when adding or removing 
in diffs
    ) {
        // method body

- Tyson
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