On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 5:49 PM Ralph Schindler <ra...@ralphschindler.com>

> Hi!
> # Intro
> I am proposing what is a near completely syntactical addition (only
> change is to language.y) to the language. The best terminology for this
> syntax is are: `return if`, "return early", or "guard clauses".
>    see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guard_(computer_science)
> Over the past few years, I've seen a growing number of blog posts,
> conference talks, and even tooling (for example code complexity
> scoring), that suggest writing guard clauses is a good practice to
> utilize.  I've also seen it more prevalent in code, and even attempts at
> achieving this with Exceptions (in an HTTP context) in a framework like
> Laravel.
>    see abort_if/throw_if:
> https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/helpers#method-abort-if
> It is also worth mentioning that Ruby has similar features, and I
> believe they are heavily utilized:
>    see:
> https://github.com/rubocop-hq/ruby-style-guide#no-nested-conditionals
> # Proposal
> In an effort to make it a first class feature of the language, and to
> make the control flow / guard clauses more visible when scanning code, I
> am proposing this in the syntax of adding `return if`.
> The chosen syntax is:
>    return if ( if_expr ) [: optional_return_expression] ;
> As a contrived example:
>      function divide($dividend, $divisor = null) {
>          return if ($divisor === null || $divisor === 0);
>          return $dividend / $divisor;
>      }
> There is already a little discussion around the choice of order in the
> above statement, the main take-aways and (my) perceived benefits are:
>    - it keeps the intent nearest the left rail of the code (in
> normal/common-ish coding standards)
>    - it treats "return if" as a meta-keyword; if must follow return for
> the statement to be a guard clause.  This also allows a person to more
> easily discern "returns" from "return ifs" more easily since there is
> not an arbitrary amount of code between them (for example if the return
> expression were after return but before if).
>    - it has the quality that optional parts are towards the end
>    - is also has the quality that the : return_expression; is very
> symmetrical to the way we demarcate the return type in method signatures
> "): return type {" for example.
>    - has the quality of promoting single-line conditional returns
> # Finally
> One might say this is unnecessary syntactic sugar, which is definitely
> arguable. But we do have multiple ways of achieving this.
> Of course all of these things should be discussed, I think sub-votes
> (should this PR make it that far) could be considered.
> The PR is located here:
>    https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/5552
> As mentioned, some discussion is happening there as well.
> Thanks!
> Ralph Schindler
> PS: since implementing the ::class feature 8 years ago, the addition of
> the AST abstraction made this kind of syntactical change
> proof-of-concept so much easier, bravo!

This proposal looks way too specific to me. I'm a big fan of returning
early -- but also of throwing early, breaking early and continuing early.
Supporting this just for returns seems odd / inconsistent to me.

That said, I don't think this syntax solves a real problem in the first
place. If it solves a problem, it's mostly a problem of PHP coding styles
being a bit overzealous when it comes to formatting requirements for early
return/break/continue/throw. And that's not a problem that needs solving at
the language level...


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