On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 10:45 AM AllenJB <php.li...@allenjb.me.uk> wrote:

> This could be either as:
> a) Character count (at line 456, character 23)
> b) Quote either the remainder or the parsed section on the line (MySQL
> quotes the remainder, for example)
> c) Quote the whole line with an indicator where the error occurred. I'm
> not sure what the best way to do this would be - generically this could
> be encapsulated in several values: The line content, token start
> character count, token length / end character count

I really like the combination of A + C. After using php for 13 years the
error messages are still a bit cryptic at times, especially in legacy code
where you have a gazillion warnings in your IDE.


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