On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 3:33 PM Ryan Jentzsch <ryan.jentz...@gmail.com>

> OMG the trolling continues even today with this nonsense. Disappointing.

Oh yes. And histrionics will certainly deescalate that issue.

> "...yes, it is broken, people have to Google or ask around for a very
> unclear error message when for the most part errors are (and should be)
> self explanatory

You know what shows up unambiguously in a google search? "Paamayim
You know what ISN'T unambiguous in a google search? "Double Colon"
You know who don't have an excuse to say "Google is hard"? Software

> ...Two things are broken: Either the token is named badly, or the token
> names shouldn’t show up in error messages at all and be replaced with
> something a bit more friendly.

Token names shouldn't show up.  Everyone is agreeing with that statement.
Universally.  Let's fix that problem rather than create new ones by not
addressing the underlying issue.

Once again I plead for logic and sanity. At least have the courage to put
> it to a vote.
> Absolutely. Put it to a vote.  I've got my "no" all locked and loaded.


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