On Tue, July 28, 2020 at 9:46 AM Joe Ferguson <j...@joeferguson.me> wrote:

> Hello Internals,
> I've been working with Derick Rethans and others (thanks all!) on a Shorter
> Attribute Syntax Change RFC which outlines reasons why the "#[]" syntax
> would be preferred over the currently agreed upon "@@" syntax for Shorter
> Attribute Syntax.
> An important part of the research that went into this proposal demonstrates
> how "@@" will make handling attributes more difficult for PHP_CodeSniffer
> (and similar tools) and shows how the alternative "#[]" syntax is more
> friendly for these tools.
> You can find the RFC
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/shorter_attribute_syntax_change and I'm happy to
> answer any questions as best I can.

Hi Joe,

>From the perspective of looks alone I don't care much one way or the
other between @@ and #[]. However, I don't find the arguments for #[]
in this RFC very compelling, and it ignores some of the other downsides
of #[] compared to @@ that should be highlighted. Let's go through the
arguments from the RFC:

> It [@@] currently causes a parser conflict

This isn't true now that namespaced names are treated as tokens. The
@@ implementation has been merged into php-src and there is no parser

> Various luminaires [sic] consider @@ a joke

Who does this refer to? A random Reddit user?

> Feedback to Derick's tweet 
> (https://twitter.com/derickr/status/1285912223639130114)
> were [sic] overwhelmingly positive

Are you sure? I took a look at the thread and it seems like the
responses were pretty mixed. Some people expressed support for #[],
but almost as many were happier with the @@ syntax. If anything the
majority of responses were neutral or expressing dislike for all the
syntax options.

> It has the distinct possibility to cause further parsing issues

Like what? How is it any more likely to cause parsing issues than the
@ syntax used by the majority of other C family languages?

> Having a closing ] makes it easier to extend Attributes with more syntax

This might be a good argument if there were actually a need to extend
attributes with more syntax. What other languages have found a need for
this? Even Rust doesn't allow additional syntax inside the brackets.

> There is no “end symbol” to make finding occurrences easier,
> including by reading or using regular expressions.

Can you provide an example? When reading code I personally don't find
the ending bracket very helpful - my brain tends to parse it as the
end of an array, not the end of an attribute. Even when using a regex
to search code, the ending bracket doesn't seem very helpful since
arrays can also be passed as attribute arguments. For example, to
match this attribute the regex for @@ is actually simpler than the
one for #[]:

# regex: /@@\w+\(.+\)/
@@Attr([1, 2])

# vs.

# regex: /#\[\w+\(.+\)\]/
#[Attr([1, 2])]

> A syntax with a closing demarcation is much easier to back fill with
> tools such as PHPCS.

I'm not sure I understand this. What does it mean to "back fill" a
syntax with PHPCS, and what does a closing demarcation have to do with
it? As a user, I'd expect to have to update PHPCS to work with PHP 8
code - doesn't it have to be updated anyway to correctly support the
syntax for named arguments, union types, the nullsafe operator, match
expression, etc.?

And from a perspective of compatibility with existing tools, couldn't
@@ be considered superior since people can use it in code examples
on a blog without the syntax highlighter treating it as a comment?

> It is a syntax no other language uses.

Rust chose to use #[] even though it wasn't used by any other language.
Does that make it a bad fit for Rust? No. But just because Rust uses
a syntax also doesn't mean it's a good fit for PHP.

@@ fits well with PHP since there is virtually no BC break, and the
syntax is close to the @annotation syntax currently used in docblocks,
so it's easily recognizable for what it is. On the other hand, #[]
would be a larger BC break and can easily be confused for a comment.

Best regards,
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