Hi all,

> On Jul 28, 2020, at 12:57, Theodore Brown <theodor...@outlook.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, July 28, 2020 at 9:46 AM Joe Ferguson <j...@joeferguson.me> wrote:
>> ...
>> Feedback to Derick's tweet 
>> (https://twitter.com/derickr/status/1285912223639130114)
>> were [sic] overwhelmingly positive
> Are you sure? I took a look at the thread and it seems like the
> responses were pretty mixed.

Let's count. + is "change away from @@ to anything else", - is "stay with @@", 
? is hard-to-tell/weak/uncertain/they-all-suck.

Derick Rethans: ++
Rafael Dohms: +?
Alexander Berl: -?
Chris Emerson: --
Tamas Erdelyi: ??
Phili Weinke: ??
Trent: ++
Juriaan Ruitenberg: ++
Mehran: ++
Stephan Hochdorfer: ??
Cees-Jan Kiewiet: ??
Tom Witkowski: ++
Matiss: ++
Henry Paradiz: --
Saif: ??
Paul Redmond: ??
Marco Pivetta: ++
Simon Champion: ??
@eimihar: ??
Brent: +?
Graham Campbell: +?
Dmitri Goosens: ++
Sergej Kurakin: -?
Francis Lavoie: ??
Michael Moravec: ??
John Hunt: ??
Lars Moelleken: ??
Michal Brzuchalski: -?
Kyrre: ??
Steve MacDougall: ++
Agustin Gomes: ??
Mike Rockett: ++
Matias Navarro: ++
Marisa Clardy: ++
Warp Speed: --
WJB: +?
Martijn Minnis: --
Dennis de Best: ??
Damo: ??
Ashish K. Poudel: +?
Bastien Remy: ??
Matiss: +?
Thierry D.: +?
Ihor Vorotnov: ??
Hugo Alliaume: ??
Juan Millan: +?
Olbaum: +?
Steve Baumann: ??
James Mallison: ??
Marco Deleu: ??
TheGenuinenessSheriff: ++
Golgote: ??

++: 13 definitely prefer changing to something other than @@ (though not 
necessarily #[])
+?: 10 probably prefer changing to something other than @@ (though not 
necessarily #[])
??: 23 hard-to-tell/weak/uncertain/they-all-suck
-?: 3 probably prefer to keep @@
--: 4 definitely prefer to keep @@

So, the majority of Twitter respondents in that thread appear to be against @@, 
and in favor of "something else" (24 to 7).

Having pointed all that out, I note that Twitter is not the voting mechanism 
here. Further, I opine that "voting repeatedly until the voters get it 'right' 
and then calling the matter settled for all time" is not how decision-by-voting 
is supposed to work.

Now, it may be that #[] or <<>> or something else actually is "better" in some 
sense that cannot be articulated. But if there are no existing technical 
hurdles to be overcome with the already-voted-on-and-accepted solution of @@, 
what technically compelling reason can there be to revote?

Paul M. Jones

Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP

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