On 02-09-2020 21:31, Dik Takken wrote:
> Even if we decide that it is not worth the trouble for foreach loops,
> there are other cases where this new syntax can work well. Array
> destructuring has already been mentioned.

Replying to myself: It just occurred to me that array destructuring
already allows omitting values:

  [, , $username] = getUserData();

I still do find using void here more clear though, more intentional.

> Another case is the one where a function intentionally does not use one
> of the arguments passed to it. This happens easily when using callbacks
> or when implementing interfaces. A function declaration could look like
> this:
>   function foo($arg, void) {}

Given the array destructuring syntax, an alternative syntax might be:

  function foo($arg,)

Again, I would prefer to see void here in stead of a trailing comma. In
function calls a trailing comma is already allowed and it has a
completely different meaning, which can be confusing.

Dik Takken

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