On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 12:05 PM Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 10:35 AM David Rodrigues <david.pro...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Do you think that it could be proxied? I mean, optimize foreach
> > (array_keys()...) syntax to not call array_keys() in fact, but a
> optimized
> > version of foreach to handle key only. I don't know it opcache could do
> > that, and if it already does.
> >
> >
> I wouldn't use the word "proxied", but yes. In my mind the compiler would
> see:
> foreach(\array_keys($arr) as $key) {
> and quietly transform that into:
> foreach ($arr as $key => $_unusedVariableNameThatIsntEvenSpilledToTheScope)
> {
Are there other instances where we have optimizations like this? If so, are
they documented?

In terms of readability, I'm more likely to do
  $keys = array_keys($array);
  foreach($keys as $key){

That would obviously break the optimization we're talking about though.
Which makes me wonder if there are other places like that.

> Thus not iterating the array twice and creating a temporary array of key
> names.
> -Sara

Chase Peeler

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