On 15 May 2021 00:09:41 BST, Paul Crovella <paul.crove...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I think this highlights where the misunderstanding of this feature is.

I think the fact that there is so much confusion highlights why it is worth 
considering different designs.

>Partial application is about binding arguments. ? isn't an argument,
>it's an argument placeholder. It does two things: signals to create a
>closure wrapping the function rather than calling it immediately, and
>holds a position in the argument list so that an argument further to
>the right can be fixed (bound) at that time.

This is not a correct description of the current syntax. Currently, "?" 
represents a *required* argument in the argument list, but *only* if there is a 
fixed value to its right. If it appears at the end of the argument list, or 
with only other ? tokens to its right, it *only* signals that a partial should 
be created, and doesn't create a required argument, even though it looks the 

foo(?, 42) creates a closure with one required argument; foo(42, ?) creates a 
closure with no required arguments

>Requiring additional trailing argument placeholders or adding an
>additional token `...?` unnecessarily complicates things, burdens the
>user, and only serves to further promote misunderstanding.

On the contrary, saying that "?" always means exactly one argument massively 
simplifies the description of the feature. Why persist with a version of the 
syntax that is so easy to misunderstand when we have a really simple fix 

I acknowledge the need for a syntax to say "accept zero or more further 
arguments", but this doesn't need to overload the syntax for "create a required 
argument here".

If the suggestion of ...? is too long, we could look at other options like ... 
or ?? The syntax for "just make a closure and pass all arguments through" would 
then be "foo(...)" or "foo(??)".

There is a *separate* question of whether arguments that weren't *required* are 
passed along anyway. I'm less sure there's a right answer there, and would be 
happy with a version where foo(?, 42) and foo(?, 42, ...) were equivalent - 
that is, the trailing "all other arguments" token would only be needed if there 
wasn't already a placeholder.


Rowan Tommins

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